T-shirts To Bring In The New Year

ShoppingFashion / Style

  • Author Adam Leaf
  • Published December 28, 2010
  • Word count 502

There are many various designs of t-shirt that can be obtained, however special occasions call for special t-shirts. Instead of relying on shop-bought brands it might be a good idea to have one printed with a logo that’s not only personal to you but that can also ring in the New Year with a bang.

‘Happy New Year’ would be an obvious choice or you could opt for something a little more flamboyant or even a little more naughty.

T-shirts that glows in the dark would undoubtedly be a smash hit at a New Year party especially if you were in a night club as this would certainly make you stand out and show everyone how much New Year spirit you were bringing to the party.

When celebrating New Year most people do not think about the fact that there was once no calendar or timekeeping and it wasn’t until people started recording time by using the days, the lunar cycle (month) and the solar cycle (years) that dates etc came to be.

Various cultures have tried to keep track of these cycles in order for them to predict certain important events such as the yearly flood of the Nile in Ancient Egypt.

In this day and age it is quite difficult to imagine life without dates and times as we are driven by this motivation to achieve our targets. Whether it is the time that we start work to the time we clock off it seems that this is something that we could no longer possibly live without. Imagine children all over the world getting to school at different times of the day or people turning up for work whenever they get there. The world would be in such chaos without the simple thing of time keeping and yet it is something that we just do not even think about. Even when we are not working we still ensure we get up at a reasonable time as there are always plenty of things that need doing.

So the next time you go to a New Year party celebrate in style with t-shirts that reflects the situation even if you go as far as to have sequins and beads around your glow in the dark New Year logo just think of what we would be like now without the convenience of time, dates and years. It has to be said that would we even know when to celebrate New Year and if so, how many of us would celebrate it on a different day from others because we had got the solar cycle completely wrong.

In Chinese culture New Year’s Day is celebrated in late January to early February. This is due to the fact that Chinese New Year is based upon the lunar cycle which in turn means that Chinese New Year is different every year.

Whichever New Year you celebrate, remember when you sport that New Year t-shirts that a new year means new dreams and prospects.

The writer of this article loves wearing funny t shirts and he loves writing anything to do with funny t shirt.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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