SEO Plan – Image Optimization

Computers & TechnologySearch Engine Optimization

  • Author Zarko Zivkovic
  • Published December 28, 2010
  • Word count 530

Creating an SEO plan involves many things, which is why it is important to create one. Companies and web owners without an SEO plan are more likely to skip many important parts of website optimization, even with the SEO plan there is possibility of skipping a thing or two if you are not a professional, but without it there is a heap of things you will miss. One of the most important things on a website that people often overlook and forget to optimize are their images.

Image optimization is one small step in your SEO plan, but this is one step that can significantly increase your traffic, or in other case, make you lose potentially great amounts of free organic traffic.

Since most web owners forget to optimize their images properly this is one of those partially explored spaces where you can rank high even for terms that have a high competition in regular search, but when it comes to image search this is a whole new matter.

Well I think you understand the importance of optimizing images by now and how much traffic they can get you. We are not talking about a tedious job here; we are talking about 15 seconds more per each page or post you create, that is how long it takes you to add an ALT tag to an image. That is even faster for blogs.

So we have that out of our way, SEO plan is very simple when you take care of such little details from the start. So how do we optimize images to get the best exposures for our keywords? Here is a short list of things you should do to make your images optimized for search engines:

  • Place keywords as your ALT text either using the editor in your blogging platform or using the ALT tag in HTML (alt="keyword")

  • You can also add a keyword caption or text around the image as well as the description

  • Make sure that your image has the keyword as the name; there is no point in naming your images generally like DSC2536 or anything like it. Again, the name of the image needs to have your keyword in it

  • Make sure that the image size is not too large

  • Don’t place too many images on the same page

It is very simple if you follow these few guidelines, and without less effort than you think you can have your images spread across the net earning you links, yes, that is the whole point. The part of SEO plan we create for our images needs to have more than just a high result as the end goal, we want to use these images as your link. Well, this only works I you have the copyright to those images, which is why creating infographics and your own graphs is a great way not only to create link bait, but also to get a link using your own images.

As you can see, something that doesn’t take too much time like creating your SEO plan can make the greatest difference in your SEO results and eventually your ROI.

If you want to learn more about creating your SEO plan and about search engine optimization visit Practical SEO Blog, your one stop SEO resource.

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