How to make money on AnswersPay

Computers & TechnologyInternet

  • Author Wendi Rogers
  • Published May 2, 2011
  • Word count 572

There are a few things you need to know before you start:

  1. AnswersPay bases its payments on quality of answers. Obviously, quality of answers varies, and some people put in a lot more effort than others. Not everybody can give the best answer, and it really is a choice of which answer is the most effective.

For example:

How is wool turned into clothes?

Answer A: It's grown on sheep and put through spinning machines.

Answer B: Wool is harvested from sheep in various grades, which are then treated and turned into different types of wool, from ultra fine, top quality wool to lower grades. The wool is processed into yarn, then used as the raw material for creating clothes.

As you can see, Answer A doesn't exactly cover all the bases. Answer B is more effective, and more likely to get the rewards.

  1. AnswersPay works on a reputation basis. AnswersPay is a community, and your participation in the community (which is a lot of fun, by the way) also adds status to your answers. Answers from people with good reputations naturally get more attention from the people asking the questions, too.

  2. AnswersPay provides Google Adsense ads as rewards. This is based on the famous Google Adsense system, where you can earn money on clicks on the ads on your "best answer" threads. You need to sign up with Google for this, but the process is really very simple, and only takes a few minutes.

  3. You can make money on AnswersPay by asking questions, too. This is an angle most people don't know. You can't "spam" the site with questions, that's actually in breach of the AnswersPay terms of service, but good, selective questions will get rewards.

For example:

Question A: How long is a piece of string?

Question B: What is a duck?

Question C: What happened to Queen Elizabeth 1 on the succession of her sister, Bloody Mary, to the English throne?

Questions A and B are spam. Question C is a real question, with a very interesting, if somewhat horrifying, answer.

  1. AnswersPay only accepts well-written questions and answers. There's a very good reason for that. There's nothing less impressive or less interesting to readers than a "TXT speak" post on a thread. AnswersPay is looking for people who can express themselves well, both asking and answering questions.

For example:

Question A: How d u make toast?

Exciting, isn't it? It's both spam and lousy expression. Nobody would pay to read that.

Question B: How do you build your own solar hot water service on a budget?

A lot of people do make their own solar power systems, and the answer needs to be clear.

  1. Answers/Awards proportion adds to your reputation and your ability to earn rewards. The number of top answer awards, in relation to the number of answers given, is a measure of your reputation.

7.Answer frequency: The more active you are on AnswersPay, the higher your reputation and the better your earnings.

You can have fun and earn decent money on AnswersPay, creating a passive income depending on your input and awards. It's easy to join AnswersPay, and you can get to meet a lot of people, talking about your favorite subjects.

If you're a natural forum writer, you can really have a ball. There are plenty of topics, lots of people, and you can make money as well! AnswersPay may be the answer to your dreams.

Earn Money by writing for answerspay.

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