Improve Your Link Building Proficiency With Simple Methods

Computers & TechnologySearch Engine Optimization

  • Author Carol Forrest
  • Published May 24, 2011
  • Word count 625

One vital component of search engine optimisation (SEO) is the amassing of high quality inbound links to your website. Despite the fact that links pointing to your website are an important factor in your search engine ranking, there are other factors to also consider. Your website will rank more highly with the search engines if you have quality backlinks, which entails organic traffic to your site from those who search for what you are offering. This article will hopefully provide you with some simple guidelines to help improve your website’s ranking via building good backlinks.

You can start by making use of non-profit resources from the social networking sites such as Twitter and others. As these links will be coming from reputable and high profile sites, the backlinks you receive will be considered by the search engines to also be high quality. One of the best features of using blog sites is that once you have set them up, you can forget about them, so if you want to have good results that will not take up too much of your time, this is a good method to employ.

Another method of building up backlinks is via social link building. The building up of links is extremely time consuming and can be quite boring, but it is possible to take advantage of a number of automated methods to build backlinks. If you use manual ways to do so, you will spend a great deal of time on it. Examples of high quality article directories are Ezine Articles, Go Articles and Isnare, which are thought be some of the best article directories around and so can be employed to build some very strong backlinks. You should always seek to use effective directories such as this one, as you then know you will get the best results for your time and efforts. What you do not want to do is to spread yourself thinly across too many sites building links manually. Just focus upon publishing on some high profile article sites, as your goal should be to reap the best benefits for the least effort put in.

A good method to use is link building via the use of press releases. You need to think carefully about what you want to accomplish. The issuing of press releases is not really an every day method to build backlinks, but nonetheless it is an important one that will give you good results if undertaken properly. There are a number of sites that will publish a press release with no fee. A well-written press release about an important event can bring a great many visitors to your site and if it comes from a respected site to yours, this will boost your SEO efforts. The difficult part about this is that you cannot issue press releases if you have nothing that is particularly newsworthy.

Practices to be avoided when building backlinks are the use of link exchanges. There are sites that offer barter link programmes whereby you put a link to a site on your site and they reciprocate. There are a couple of things to think about here though. If your outbound links are greater than your inbound ones, this is not good for you. Furthermore, there is the real risk that your link exchange partner is a link farm, in which case you could even find yourself banned from search engines. Linking to doubtful places has to be avoided.

If you require an affordable website design agency who will be able to produce relatively cheap web design, they will not only be able to put together a site for you, but also help to advise you about the best ways to build good backlinks to your site.

Carol Forrest is the Managing Director of Webs Galore Limited which is a professional website design agency specialising in the creation of cheap and affordable website design for small and medium sized companies. Website:

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