Top 3 steps to Protect Your Social Network Privacy

Computers & TechnologyInternet

  • Author Joy Mali
  • Published November 28, 2011
  • Word count 449

The internet has made everything seemingly very easy. From buying books and videos, to browsing houses and vehicles, it lets you get anything from the comfort of home; but not without some risk to your privacy. Whenever you put your personal information in cyberspace whether by intention or by mistake, it is not 100% possible to control how others use the information. In the worst cases your information could be used to ruin your reputation, perform an illegal activity, or steal your identity. Now more than ever it is important to protect your social network privacy on the internet because unlike people, the internet never forgets.

Below are some key points to keep in mind to help you protect your social network privacy on the internet.

Check privacy settings in social networks to protect personal information

Are you concerned about your online privacy being invaded on social sites? Be sure to check your privacy settings on social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn and do not accept friend requests from unknown individuals. These five points can help you when creating your profile.

  1. Do not share your complete address, phone number, full name and birth date on social networks

  2. Do not provide your name, phone number or address or credit card information to just any e-commerce site

  3. Keep your photos private on social networking sites

  4. Fill out forms only on secure, encrypted websites

  5. Do not accept every application request you get on social site.

Think before you post

This may seem to be obvious, but a lot of people do not realize that they are posting every detail of their day on social networking sites. Posting where you are or where you will go in the future could get you in trouble. Uploading an embarrassing picture of yourself could even cost you an important job.

Make sure not to post:

  1. Your plans for the day

  2. Any personal details about your trip or the location you are about to visit

  3. Any information that could be used negatively in the future

Use an online reputation management service

An online reputation management service monitors, alerts and helps web users in managing their reputation online, and protecting their privacy in social networking sites. It detects any misuse of your reputation, enables browser privacy using easy to install plug-ins and cookie removal tools, and can also send instant alerts if someone tries to exploit your reputation online. By continually monitoring for your privacy and identity, these services can:

  1. Protect your personal information that is publically available online

  2. Alert you if there is a risk of identity theft, purchase fraud or credit fraud online

  3. Stop unwanted catalogues and spam

  4. Help you keep track of your online reputation

Get instant privacy alerts whenever your facebook privacy is at risk, protect your social network privacy in real time with MyID. Just enroll with MyID and protect your privacy at peace of mind.

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