Things Truck Drivers want other Drivers to know

Autos & Trucks

  • Author Lintu Leo
  • Published July 3, 2019
  • Word count 552

One of the immense dangers that truck drivers face on the road are passenger car drivers. Many times the small cars try to cutoff or follow the truck way more closely than they should. Any miscalculation on the part of any of the driver can result in fatal accidents. There are a few things passenger car drivers must keep in mind while driving along the trucks to ensure that the roads are safer for all:

Whenever a truck stops on the highway, move to the next lane and give them some space. Truckers stop on a busy highway only if it is critically important – the truck is either in need of maintenance, or if there is any issue with safety. Give the truck drivers a space to cater to the emergency situation.

A truck driver also have a blind spots as a passenger car driver have. They do have a rear-view mirror on the right, however due to the difference in height, the entire right side is a blind stop for truck drivers. It is safer to never try to pass them on their right.

Trucks and trailers are huge, and can weigh more than 80,000 pounds. They cannot stop abruptly, and there is a huge gap in application of brakes and response time. Also, trucks and heavy vehicles use air brakes, which function differently than the brakes in a four-wheel car. therefore,unless there is enough space passenger driver should not try to overtake.

While entering or exiting the highway, most truck drivers can see other passenger cars and heavy rigs, and wait for them to pass. However, if the situation arises that they cannot move, it is better for both their safety that the passenger car gave way to the heavier truck. This is simply because trucks are huge and heavy, and it is difficult for them to move. Trying to cut or not yield will only waste the time of both drivers.

Truck and heavy rig drivers and passenger car drivers often communicate with each other through trailer lights, headlights, and turn signals. Repetitive flashes means the driver needs to be more attentive of the road ahead. This could be due to excessive traffic, road construction or maintenance, or any other situation. As trailers are long and huge, truck drivers are often confused about whether it is safe for them to change lanes or not. A simple flash of light from fellow traveler can assure the truck driver that he has enough space to change lanes.

Making turns is another challenge for truck drivers. They have to make wide turns, and the safety of these turns depends on fellow drivers. There are white stop lines at intersections, and other drivers must pay attention to them when they see a heavy trailer trying to make a turn.

Truck drivers go through intense training, and are well versed in all the rules and regulations pertaining to road safety. Because of the sheer size of their vehicle and heavy haul attached to it, they have to be extra careful. It is highly unlikely for trucks to be driving at a fast speed, as the drivers know that they cannot make an abrupt stop in any situation. So,road safety is equally important responsibility of all drivers, no matter the size of their vehicle.

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