Twisted a.k.a. Psycho ex-girlfriend FIlm Review

Arts & EntertainmentTelevision / Movies

  • Author Laika Lalonde
  • Published February 10, 2020
  • Word count 442

Twisted is a short thriller that instantly hooks the audience. Featuring many compelling characters, we follow them on this frivolous journey facing love, angst and suspense. The following synopsis captures the story perfectly:

"Kara has become her boyfriend Tyler's rock, getting him back on his feet after a turbulent time in his life. They're planning on getting married and everything is perfect until Tyler's ex-girlfriend Isabelle returns from rehab and wants to get her life back - starting with Tyler. Kara is immediately threatened by Isabelle who is everything Kara's not - sexy, daring and outspoken. To Kara's shock, Isabelle begins injecting herself into Tyler's life and Kara fears that he may fall back into his bad habits. As Kara's world starts to crumble, she notices that Isabelle may be behind the violent threats against her. What starts off as one woman's desire to hold on to her fiancé and the life they've built together, turns into a twisted game of cat and mouse, as Kara tries to survive the jealous wrath of the "evil" ex-girlfriend."

Twisted showcases two very prevalent themes: Facade and revenge. The former is essentially the foundation of the story; it gradually becomes unraveled, and by the resolution of the film, collapses. Furthermore, a series of camera angles are showcased throughout the film, all of which make the scenes even more powerful. 

Laika Lalonde, portraying the character Laura Fisher, has shown off amazing acting talents that should not go unnoticed. Laura is a character, forced to slowly unravel as the impending pressure of an abusive relationship begins getting to her. Ultimately, it is inspirational to see her blossom and grow more confident. 

When asked how she prepared for the role, Lalonde enthusiastically provided her input:

"Playing a character in this kind of relationship is definitely a challenge," she remarks. "I made sure to work closely with the Director to embody all those strong emotions." 

Lalonde’s character partners up with the protagonist, Kara. The contrast between these two actors is amazing to follow. The raw emotion Laura shows as she confides with her counterpart is genuine and heartbreaking. Every single scene shows the audience another part of Laura; as we uncover her burdens and past, we finally get to see her become the strong and beautiful woman she is. 

In conclusion, Twisted is a fantastic movie that absolutely deserves the ‘Finalist for Best TV Movie - C21 International Drama Awards (2018) title. The plot progressives nicely, with conflicts for the characters arising every twist and turn. In addition, the movie perfectly captures the issues and insecurities of our modern society, especially those that many of us may not acknowledge. 

My name is Laika Lalonde, I am an actress from Montreal, Canada. I have been acting for about 5 years now, and it is truly my biggest passion in life.

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