Organic Tea Is A Lifestyle

Foods & Drinks

  • Author Allen Yu
  • Published May 23, 2020
  • Word count 439

Organic can be understood as "orgainc" or "living".

Organic certification is short for organic agricultural certification. Organic certification is a form of agricultural product certification recognized and vigorously promoted by some countries and relevant international organizations. It is also one of the forms of certification under the unified management of China's National Certification and Accreditation Administration. The purpose of implementing organic product certification is to promote and accelerate the development of the organic industry, to ensure the quality of organic product production and processing, to meet the growing consumer demand for organic products, to reduce and prevent agricultural chemicals and agricultural wastes such as pesticides and fertilizers Pollution of the environment promotes the sustainable development of society, economy and environment.

Organic tea is a kind of tea produced and processed according to the method of organic agriculture. In the production process, it does not use any synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, plant growth regulators, chemical food additives and other substances at all, and meets the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) standards, certified by organic (natural) food The organization issues a certificate. Organic tea is a non-polluting, natural tea. Organic tea is also China's first certified organic food for export.

If the tea safety certification system is divided into four levels, then the rank should be organic tea, green tea, pollution-free tea and ordinary tea. As the highest level in the tea safety certification system, organic tea can be said to be "the king of tea." It is not only beneficial to the sustainable development of the natural environment, but also provides high-quality tea for mankind.

The Bajiaoting Organic Pu-erh Base was completed after receiving such rigorous certification. It is located in the ancient tea mountain of Mengsong Village, Menglong Town, Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. It overlaps with the Bulong Nature Reserve, with an average altitude of 1500 to 1800 meters, a forest coverage rate of 70%, an excellent ecological environment and unique resources. Most of its tea trees are wild-type ancient tea trees, forming a unique "Meng Song's rhyme".

The raw materials and production of Bajiaoting Organic Pu-erh Tea (raw tea) strictly follow the standards of organic food, and have established a strict quality management system, production process control system and tracking system.

The Bajiaoting organic Pu-erh tea (raw tea) has a net weight of 357 grams per cake. The cake shape is round and full of atmosphere. The cake noodles are dark green and fat, and the white is revealed; the aroma is high and quiet, the fragrance is rich, with sweet and floral fragrance; Sweet and moist, with a clear and lasting sweetness, sweet and delicious throat, and a fragrant bottom.

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