Artificial intelligence and eCommerce

Computers & TechnologyInternet

  • Author Salim Ben Jadir
  • Published August 3, 2021
  • Word count 719

AI technology and eCommerce are not new. However, with the advancement of eCommerce, many experts in the field have come out with their opinions about the impact of the technology and whether it is good for business or not. These discussions are nothing new but there has been a recent spike in their intensity because of the rapid growth of eCommerce in the past few years. This technology has affected every aspect of business especially supply chain management. It not only helps businesses survive but also boosts their revenues.

AI technology is the application of computer software that operates without human intervention. There are many types of software used for such purposes as artificial intelligence software, superintelligent software, and data mining software. All this software helps business executives make better decisions. Many believe that these decision-making programs will replace employees but that is yet to be confirmed. With all the advancements in the software, artificial intelligence software can perform better than humans.

The first artificial intelligence software was developed back in 1993 by professors Georgeomon and Jeffreys. The models used in the research were very simple. They just needed to evaluate the output of the human. However, the results of these tests were very poor and this software was never put to use. This project brought forth the idea of using artificial intelligence to analyze business data. With the help of complex mathematical algorithms, the models can process all the information coming from different business departments and decipher what the company needs to do to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Business executives who believe in artificial intelligence technology are already seeing the benefits in increasing sales and profitability. If they implement the technologies properly, they can create a completely artificial intelligence network that will help them analyze all the business processes and find out the core issues which need improvement. They will then be able to design a solution to these problems using artificial intelligence. These artificial intelligence systems are also known as A.I. machines because they simulate human behaviors for better results.

Another use of artificial intelligence technology is in self-driving cars. These vehicles are programmed by an artificial intelligence system to avoid obstacles, pedestrians, and other factors which may affect their ability to function properly. They are also able to take a variety of routes to minimize the risk of getting involved in an accident. The entire operation is made possible by a series of algorithms that allow the cars to communicate with one another and with the centralized control center. In the event of an accident, this system can quickly identify the problem and make the necessary repairs or evasive moves to save the vehicle. These types of systems can be used in many different industries, helping to reduce the cost of operating these vehicles.

Another field in which artificial intelligence technology is being used is that of medical transcription. Transcription is the conversion of audio recordings made by doctors into written documents. Because of the nature of the material being transcribed, it is often difficult for doctors to transcribe accurately without the aid of artificial intelligence.

Computer software engineer Arpad Nagy developed a program called ParaLite, which is designed to speed up the process of transcribing medical records. This software was later purchased by a company called Ab Initio, which is known for its Artificial Intelligence research and development. The company managed to further refine and expand ParaLite, which is now used in several other companies. AI software also plays a significant role in the process of forensics. This includes such areas as identifying and extracting evidence from digital media, such as digital photographs, video footage, blood spatter analysis, voice samples, and cellular phones.

Computers and artificial intelligence will continue to become more sophisticated to help solve complex problems and to increase productivity. This type of technology will undoubtedly continue to improve, as more researchers pour into the field. However, there is no doubt that computers and artificial intelligence will be an integral part of our society for many years to come. The future of the internet, artificial intelligence, and the future of healthcare are all intertwined. Artificial intelligence will undoubtedly impact each of these areas in different ways. We will only have to wait and see what the future holds for artificial intelligence technology.

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Salim Ben Jadir

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