Cowardice of Censorship

News & Society

  • Author Randy Gonzalez
  • Published February 19, 2022
  • Word count 2,900

The repugnant emotional reactivity that endeavors to stifle free speech is a form of post-modern cowardice. Any efforts to suppress or otherwise invoke censorship over the free exercise in the exchange of thinking processes is an act of tyranny. In an age of infotainment, over vast reaches of electronic communication systems, to oppress or other restrict any form of interpersonal communication portends horrific consequences. Shutting down free speech in any format demonstrates unethical and socially regressive temper tantrums “adult children”. Often misunderstand, in all likelihood as a result of an intellectually devolving society, the censorship defense of “shouting fire” exposes egregious misinformation in order to condescend the free exercise of communicative exchanges. As such, every genre of creativity, from the artistry of photography to the movie making personifications of inventive storytelling ought to rise up in outrage. Of writers, journalists and poets, the tenor of dissent of ethical necessity demands immediate redress of grievances. Tyranny rises when discourse is restricted.

To paraphrase and otherwise reflect upon on journalist’s admonition on free speech, offers a critical guideline. Of that, the writer on point here brings to bear the writings of noteworthy exponents on issues of freedom of expression. Such notable personalities as John Milton, Thomas Payne, and John Stuart Mill for example, strenuously expounded on the necessity of personal liberty. With regard to an imperfect summation, it is duly noted that the speaker has a right to speak, and the listener is obliged to listen. Of such actions, for the civility of interpersonal interactions and advancement of civil discourse, it is essential to ensure a two-way process. Each party is courteously obligated to freely interact speaking, listening and cooperating productively. Prosocial benefits derive from the dissentious nature of oppositional and contentious points of view. Freedom, particularly in matters of verbal expression, become woefully disingenuous and potentially irrelevant when people are silenced because they are different.

In the contemporary social media and mainstream media, of all the infotainment corporate industrial complex, the atmosphere of censorship contrives to circumvent the First Amendment. By dismantling the first one, it follows that the others are in line for further degradation of individual rights and safeguards from oppressive incursions. For the growing oligarchic collusions of the more powerful and influential members of society, the wealthy and the politically connected, the republic is in danger. The cowardice of censorship expresses the peril.

In the vast reaches of social psychobabble, inviting the communal incestuous aberration of the cult of personality, the invective of infantile narcissism degrades the viability of intelligent ascension. Stupidity knows no boundaries for its advocates piously embrace the mantra of self-serving cognitive bias and immediate gratification. With frauds and fools lurking everywhere, relishing in their enslavement of complacent despair, the viability of an evolved society wanes toward final extinction. As such, one reflection from the past, espoused by a 17th century philosopher observed that government has no divine right to dictate censorship over the people. Instead, the people tell the government how governing is going to carried out. For those cowardly enough to submit their parasitic subservience to alleged “authority”, they can rely on the more sinister among us to erode their freedoms. While none of this current concern about censorship is new, the historicity is often forgotten given the ignorance of most people.

As mainstream society in general, with overlording by the infotainment industry, wallows in the safe mediocrity of gluttonous consumption, malevolent personalities ascend to the national stage to fool the majority. By cowardly acts of “cancel culture” exploitation, along with the insidious perpetrations of “political correctness”, the wussification of society insists upon the “dumbing down” of the populace. From pundits a plenty, simplistic commentary opined by the voices of childlike immaturity castigate any oppositional attempts at rational indignation. Particularly complicit in the collusion of illusions is the bloated arrogance of “celebrity worship”. From Hollywood elites, to the snobbery of the wealthy upper classes, the superficiality of the status quo speaks loudly to the entitlement of hypocritical self-righteousness. And to this, for every witch hunt, for each contrivance of accusation without lawful substantiation, therein resides the motivation to invoke terroristic acts upon others. Tyranny wears a human face.

Echoing the concerns of the 17th century social philosopher previously mentioned, dire consequences for American society await the incursions of censorship. Liberties erode as “paradise is lost” as a result of the emotional reactivity to silence free speech. To be exposed to competing ideas, differences and disagreements, including controversies of one nature or another is at the very core of liberation. For that elegance of unique existence, pursuing the free expression of ideological varieties for the exposure of veracity, based on evidentiary factuality, is an extraordinary expression of a wiser enlightenment. Instead, disguised as adults, children desire the dictatorial condescension of enforced adherence to a warped sense of regressive consensus. In the social media advancement of complicitous stupidity, a few valiant insist on rebellion.

In the contemporary annals of cowardly cancel culture, the pontificators of the celebrity worship, guru deification and pundits of pussification enjoy the salacious arrogance of stupidity. As they proselytize the commonality of regressive infantile narcissism, the collective advocates of simplistic magical thinking erode the vitality and potency of individual liberation. Oppositional contentiousness relies on the mainstream population to be ill-informed, complacent and mundanely committed to lethargy of pacified consensus. Invoking risky countermeasures, braver members of the social expanse assert the differentiated perspective of independent thought and deviation from the contrived normalcy of political, social and economic subservience. As to a historic notion of “radical free speech”, wiser speculations from an earlier century provoked the dangerous exhibitions of speaking fearlessly regardless of retribution. Proclaimed ages ago, and frequently forgotten, overshadowed by the convenience of “shouting fire in a theater”, the ghostly admonition mocked the hesitance to substantiate the higher order of free speech.

In one article, from an established oracle of political analysis, the speculative query of a noted magazine publication ponders the very notion of behavioral oppression. From an experience perspective, a writer ponders the efficacy of a society controlling the free exercise of verbal expression. To what extent a cultural sector, or a society in general may diminish the role of individuality depends on what those in power can get away with. For the predilection of tyranny by corporate-state collusions, or social networking contrivances, the future of personal independence stares precariously into an abyss of troubling possibilities. While governments are arguably a potential threat to individual freedom, other human entities are as much a provocative adversary to individuality. In the post-modern context, the accumulation of power by way of social media oligarchies, as well as multinational corporate enterprises, exert extreme influence to enforce conforming behaviors. From that, despotism looms menacingly over society.

From the tyranny of over the “majority”, which in modern America is due partly to elitist corporate-government collusions, “normalcy” rules by imposition of herded beliefs, opinions, and related emotional machinations. The intolerance for deviations, the persecutions by way of “political correctness” and associated juvenile foolishness endanger the viability of the republic. Pressuring the masses, the vast infotainment industry, including opinionating pundits, social media platforms and their techno-conglomerate ownerships, scare mongering foments of culture of devolving extinction. Political functionaries, primarily at the national level, scamper to conform to the treachery of the smug piety of the new “robber barons”.

At this juncture and of recent social media conjecture, the “robber barons” appear out of history. A century ago, a president railed against the money grubbing wealthy elitists who exploited the resources of the U.S. In addition, to that end, a basic description unfolded. Essentially, the robber baron is the wealthy who place themselves above the law and endeavor by whatever means to take illicit advantage of others. A pejorative term, the criticism suggests powerful and influential people, through various corporate configurations, scheme to ensure their wealth by less than honorable means. Of the 19th century era, industrialists and financiers made huge profits by dishonest business practices and oppressing workers at every opportunity to maximize profit. Everything from banking to oil, agriculture to textiles, were subjugated to every extent possible. For some researchers, speculations suggest the onset of the “power elite” gave rise to atmosphere of commerce that encouraged organized crime to flourish.

Given the affinity between corporate collusions and criminal activity, the salaciously selfish desire for wealth accumulation replicates in a multiplicity of modern examples. As such, financial empires amassed extraordinary fortunes then as they do now. Disparity between rich and poor continues in spite of mainstream psychobabble regarding the so-called American Dream. Now, enter the mystical “mind” flirtation with time travel. Climb into the time machine flash back to the 19th and observe the antics of the robber barons. After enough disgust with the “privileged few”, flash forward to the 21st century. Seemingly, not much changes with human nature. Fascinating science fiction movies provide entertaining adventure for such theoretical prospects. In the post-modern era of vast fortunes proliferating in the “info-age”, with innovations in telecommunications, extraordinary wealth gives a few exceptional power and dominion over others. As described by some media sources, “big tech” is likely the renewed human expression of modern-day robber barons. Sleight of hand and misdirection continue the criminality.

While exceptionality applies in most cases, the focus becomes that of assessing the most powerful among us, and what is going on behind the curtain. As some pursue prosocial engagement in a diversity of consumer consumptive enterprises, others prefer the enrichment of themselves at the expense of others. In the techno-world, some criminals hide behind a computer screen. Likewise, some have come to own very large global social media networks and wield exceptional influence over public policy making. From economic entrepreneurs to political entrepreneurs, the self-serving interests of various corporate factions amatively invited their “god-like” worship. By presupposed “divine right of kings”, an American aristocracy rises.

Be obedient, submit to the subservience of consumptive enslavement, do what you are told do, conform to the consensus of the rules, and you shall be rewarded with being kept in your place. For the new robber barons of the techno-monopolies, dictation as to the deceptions of cause and effect, contrived reality and manufactured morality, fallacies over facts and psychobabble theology, subsistence in in the narrow framework of shallow conformity. For the valiant non-conformist, the rebel with an honorable cause, the resistance fighter who fights for uniqueness, his or her valor is met by the lash of tyrannical retribution. Of things seen as mandates by pretentious authoritarian rule, for the “greater good” masquerade as martial law for the whims of the more powerfully entrenched. Whips, spankings and bondage in some metaphorical sleight of hand, reflect the infantile retribution from self-appointed divinities. For the wizards of the cyber-land, behind the virtual iron curtain there stands, the minions of “thought control”.

For the impotence of their conceited potency, the limp shortcomings of imaginative creativity, the power to banish, shame and mock disagreeable disputations assert the hollowness of their ideologies. Children as grownups, immature and self-righteous, with powerful telecommunications wealth, ascend as overlords of social media and infotainment globalization. Likewise, a host of guru worshipped celebrities crowd around the glow of their needy self-validation. By the bloated gush of exaggerated importance and magnification of conformity, selfie reflected importance fixates upon the dullness sameness of over-rated egos. By every effort at censoring dissent, disagreement and oppositional discourse, a stupidity of conformity fosters the darkness maladaptive inflictions. Deadened, the human spirit falls to the degradation of innovative inspiration to excel beyond the commonality of the herded collective. For a true calling to nonconformity, or a mature sense of differentiation is of valued essence individuality.

The cowardice of censorship, by whatever impotence of self-doubt, or narrowmindedness of personal immaturity, provokes the deadly consequence for authoritarian oppressions. For most who do not understand the depths of intense personal transformation, the superficial assertion of “non-conformity” is another form of conforming masquerade. Yet, the true fighter for freedom of individual exceptionality maturely self-evolves to a higher understanding. For the piercing painfulness of formative anonymity, to the quest for ascendency of self-realization, individuation seeks the paths less crowded by others. With persistent aggressive pursuit of passion, in the creative genres of fantasy to fruition, the individuality of independence cannot be bound by barriers of jealous animosity. Cowardice of censorship labors to thwart expressive bravery.

In the hideously grotesque manifestations of intentional suppression of free exercise of thought to social interaction, the willful deceivers maximize the adverse capacity for deception. for the acts of deliberate betrayal and treason, many re-create the world in their image. For people, regardless of actual or perceived status in socio-economic ranking, the ability to deceive is extraordinary. Self-deception, as regards the historic existential assertion of philosophers long gone, ensures every effort to promote desirable admiration of oneself. Once in powerful and influential positions, where politicians, pundits and gurus of wealth pontificate their reshaping of everyone else’s world view, the blustering cowardice infringes on others. From this, censorship becomes a weapon in the hands of techno-corporate oligarchs, political aristocracies and over-rated media talking heads. Some wonder why anyone would give any credence to a tube-shaped talking head.

That is, the face and upper torso one sees, but does not necessarily observe, in the commercial ventures of alleged news reporting. From the “plasma tube of plenty”, there unfolds the seemingly two-dimensional 24/7 non-stop dystopic babble of shallow infantile perspectives. Expensively attired, coiffed to perfection, blushed by the brush of makeup, form fitted to fabrication of the infotainment perpetrations of contrived consensus. Robotic poster children for a time of discord and dissent, the “tele-evangelists” of mystical telecommunications adulate upon self-righteous condescension. Hiding cleverly the defects of humanistic shortcomings, the cowardice of censorship trespasses easily upon the boundaries of others. For all the window-dressing, the coiffured fabrication of upscale fabrics, the emptiness of their sad defects and flaws sometimes, but very elusively, slips through a crack or tear in the costumes of duplicity.

As a point of hilarity to the discouraging advent of the weaponized information, and bullying commercial materialization of thinking processes, would be fascinating to see everyone completely naked. Nude, bare, in the buff and brazenly exotic media expressions depict people as their skin really depicts them. Nothing to hide, no fake coverings to shield the dishonesty, yet instead, the test of bare-naked exhibition. Of course, that will never be the case, while nudity is an act of self-revolution, awareness of selflessness, etc. for a few valiant souls, bareness scares most people. In a culture where oppressions have many faces, and hypocrisy knows many places, acts of freedom are herded to the commonality of trickery, ruse and bogus pretenses. In a realm of the cowardice of censorship, many fear the reality of truth and confrontation with the necessity to grow up and act like adults. Over the expanse of many cultures, and from past to present, historical cautions mock the critics who find flaws in others but ignore their own.

In the cowardice of censorship, the insidious malevolence to inflict certain viewpoints as the norm, and conspire to suppress all others, the emphasis on spineless tyranny cannot be overstated. It hastens the downfall of humanity and summons the regressive degradations of eventual extinction. Abnormality by intentional perpetration asserts the condescending ramifications of maladaptive assumptions as to how others should behave. To conform to a preconceived mode of behavior, those with power and influence, wealth and control, assume a spectrum of behavioral specifications inflicted upon the majority. While arguments consume certain periods and particular cultural characteristics, along with generational diversity, the societal configuration of a democratic republic specifies constitutional for extraordinary individual liberty. As to that, abnormality in the diversification of mainstream interactivity enriches the prospects for communal ascendancy to higher realms of enlightened maturation.

Yet, the collectivist ideologies of normalcy condemn the individuation of creativity among the individuals who differ with the status quo. As such, in modern times, to be among the so-called normal is to forsake the transforming differentiation of self-evolution. For the fear of being outside the crowd, the herded mentality of sameness voluntarily surrenders to subservience. Suppression of dissent in any form, restriction for rebellion in artistic endeavors against “community guidelines”, and squashing alternative viewpoints cries loudly the “cow-herding” of cowardly authoritarianism. To accept the dogmas of commonality, forgetting the time worn echoes of historical repressions, the many embrace the maladaptive consistency of sameness. Conformity to the malicious intentions of “political correctness”, for the power and control over others by those who’s “lives matter” and others do not, inflicts the pains and sufferings of dying culture. The ease and potential terror of simplistic thinking in controlling ideas expresses human evil.

While discourse considers the viability of some compromise for a modicum of common interests, as reflected in a republic’s constitutional precautions, exceptionality for the prospects of abnormality is vital. The value of conformity depends heavily upon the value of freedoms by which personal liberation assures continued individual transformation. Of that, allowances for non-conformity invites creativity, innovation and individualistic maturation. Yet, most are not in a process of profound maturation, and remain in a fixation at a prior time and place of narcissistic infantilism. As a result, children in adult bodies gain powerful placement, from the corporate realms of techno-empires, to the political arenas of “American aristocracy. From those elitist collectivist wealthy enclaves, there is tyranny in the cowardice of censorship.

Randy Gonzalez is a criminology professor and 35 year veteran of the law enforcement profession. He is multi-genre published author and certified educational consultant.

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