Computers & Technology

  • Author Sanjib Kumar Das
  • Published September 15, 2022
  • Word count 2,675

The majority of businesses are under constant pressure to enhance both their offerings and services to meet the demands of consumers.

For entrepreneurs, innovation is not something you could afford to put off.

Design thinking helps solve problems in a creative way by putting the user's needs first.

It's advantageous to involve various people who specialize in different areas including developing and conducting experiments, gathering feedback from customers, and then designing the product with innovative techniques.

Companies that have adopted a variety of design strategies admit that they have moved from their current stagnation. The market is constantly changing with new ideas always developing. If you're using outdated systems, you could risk getting behind.

While it is difficult to pinpoint one specific event that led to this notion the industrial revolution and World War II pushed the limits of its progress.

The huge socioeconomic shifts at the time brought architects, engineers as well as industrial designers and cognitive scientists to understand creative and group problem-solving.

What is Design Thinking?

The process of design thinking can be described as an active process designed to help you comprehend your users more effectively by challenging preconceived notions redefining problems inventing innovative solutions.

The solutions are then designed and then tested.

The main goal is to find other solutions and solutions that aren't immediately apparent at the level of understanding.

Beyond a mere methodology, Design thinking provides many practical strategies to help you apply the brand new method of thinking.

This kind of problem-solving technique is often referred to as a solution-based method. The primary reason why design thinking is essential is that:

• It is based on a deep desire to understand the needs of our customers we create for products and services.

• It encourages you to observe and cultivate empathy for the customers you are targeting.

• Enhances your capacity to get inquiries from sponsors and customers.

• Assistance in resolving unclear or unsolved issues.

• Concepts and ideas are explored using models, tests, and tests. This ensures that the product is perfect before releasing the product.

Principles of Design Techniques

  1. Human Centric

No matter the setting any design activity is social. Any social technological innovation can bring us back to what is known as the "human-centric point of view," which stipulates that the design and development of products or services should be focused on the needs of the user.

Instead of requiring customers to alter their behaviour to conform to the product, an organization should base its design choices on the way that individuals are able to be required, want, and need to accomplish their tasks.

Your team will be able to provide solutions to the real issues instead of just clever, useless goods.

If you are planning to launch something new and your clients have experienced several changes in which you've been able to meet their requirements, they'll be more than willing to test the new services.

  1. Embracing Ambiguity

Imagine you are at a launch party when someone asks you questions regarding your products. The ambiguity of life cannot be escaped or simplified.

The ability to perceive things in a different manner depends on experimentation with your abilities and knowledge.

Ambiguity in design refers to the ability to maintain competing ideas with different ideas at tension. Design practices that are ambiguous include:

• Uncertain of the solutions to every problem before beginning. Be aware that you don't have the capacity to be an expert on everything.

• Utilizing intuition to discover different methods of problem-solving or designing products, services, or experiences. This allows for openness to new thinking.

• Believing in yourself enough to have solid beliefs and concepts when you try to prove them. You must be open to a variety of contradictory theories or approaches.

• The holding and advancement of ideas that do not align with the way in which the world and currently operating frameworks of thinking.

• The ability to let off specifics while working on complex systems.

Future prospects are uncertain as there are many things that we aren't yet aware of and several completely different concepts can influence the future. Design must be able to keep tension.

The process of designing involves working in both complex and easy environments. Even though they are in opposite states, it is necessary to be able to maintain both.

  1. Redesigning

"All design is a redesign," in accordance with the Redesign Rule. Although societal circumstances and technologies may change and progress, basic human needs will never change.

In essence, we alter how the demands are met, or the way we would like things to be.

Businesses should constantly update their websites and applications in order to keep up-to-date with the most recent trends and design guidelines to address their users' top concerns.

The time is right to consider changing your design?

• The design is old-fashioned. Because of their high friction as well as an odd sense of discord with current standards, old interfaces could create the impression that they're not reliable.

• Metrics. It is possible that you will eventually get bored of the numbers you're receiving and decide that it's time to take things up a notch. Many issues, such as ineffective activation, low conversions, and similar issues, can be addressed with a new and better design.

• Updates to the brand. This is among the most basic reasons why design thinking is important because there are only a few fundamental changes that can be made in the products. While it's not difficult but it could significantly alter the brand's market share.

• Negative feedback. It's basically information that is free from real users of your site or product that will correspond to your user persona. Your customers' issues with your product or service can be addressed by rethinking the customer experience by keeping their needs in their mind.

Here is an example of an individual user describing their experience using an application. The service provider was able to respond positively. If the application causes similar issues to customers from other companies, the service providers must think about redesigning the application.

  1. Tangibility

In accordance with the "tangibility rule," making concepts concrete always easier for designers to share ideas with each other.

Designers can communicate their ideas better by giving them physical representations as prototypes.

It is recommended to begin testing or creating prototypes after gathering ideas. Understanding which concepts work and which ones haven't required trial or the development of prototypes.

Phases of Design Thinking

When designing something it is important to consider many aspects to make sure you have a successful product. In the absence of this, you could result in inferior products that could be a resounding annoyance to your customers.

The need for different expertise is essential for each stage. To avoid issues when you are designing the final stage You must pay close focus to each step.

Every designer should focus on the following phases.

  1. Empathize

A marker can prioritize the interests of a person. If you choose to do this it will make it difficult to understand any other product's use.

It's a good idea to talk to yourself first but in the course of your day, you have to consider your suppliers, customers as well as other stakeholders.

The first step in the design process is empathy since it allows us to understand and connect with the feelings of others.

Through empathy by empathizing with them, we can comprehend their struggles, circumstances and circumstances from their perspective and understand what they may be living their lives.

The following should be in your mind:

• What is the feeling of the individual?

• What are the words or actions that are able to convey this feeling?

• Do you have the ability to express your feelings through words?

• What words would you suggest to describe their thoughts?

It is possible to discover what customers would like by asking them questions on different social media platforms and reading user reviews and watching the trends in consumption.

An excellent illustration is excellent example is the Uber company. More than 5 billion journeys have been made by Uber across the globe and the company in particular is responsible for 40 million rides each month within the US.

There are currently around 80 different countries in which Uber is available. They are trying to integrate their systems of software with every nation's currency and language in order to make the services trustworthy.

  1. Define

Concentration, clarity and definition are the most important factors why design thinking is crucial during the second stage.

To begin to understand the variety of alternatives you're considering, collect all the information you've learned regarding customer needs as well as obstacles to achieving these needs, the realities of life and the influence of culture in the initial stage.

You must think about:

• Themes or patterns that are recurring are emerging

• Unexpected and unmet requirements that emerged

• Unforeseen obstacles may distract our attention

• If you are able to answer the right questions and whether your beliefs regarding the work you're doing require any kind of revision

The key to coming up with the most effective ideas and reaching an agreement along the way is a well-crafted creative brief that has been developed with strategic focus and ingenuity.

That is, anyone who is involved in this design process is going to understand the objectives and goals of the design. It helps the team stay focused and accelerates the process of completing tasks. It also reduces confusion while working.

As the leader of your team, your responsibility is to make sure that the team's focus is on the business's culture. More than 70 percent of staff and managers acknowledge that culture is far more essential for business success than strategies and operations.

  1. Ideate

If you've got an in-depth understanding of your audience's needs and a clearly defined issue to address It's time to begin thinking about solutions.

This phase requires some creative thinking. Keep in mind that you're not the only player in the market. You must create something that is unique and easy to use and access.

To avoid delays, make sure that your teams are diverse formed and are able to effectively collaborate on a variety of levels. There's no way to have the entire resources available therefore keep in mind your suppliers.

You must ensure that they have quality materials for sturdy hardware and software. Before drawing any sketches or computer designs, it is essential to evaluate the possibilities' ability to create and their long-term viability in case you are anticipating any issues.

For a successful process To ensure success, you should make the following: Mind Mapping, Brainstorming, Sketchnote, Bodystorming, and Inquiry.

Make use of your knowledge as a metric Your clearly written plan to guide you as well as a S.W.O.T. (strengths and weaknesses potential threats, opportunities) analysis to determine the effectiveness of each option.

  1. Prototype

You will learn techniques for problem-solving during this phase. The ideas from earlier stages have to be translated into tangible objects.

These objects could represent an innovative structural design, packaging style, experience at the store or a consumer experience.

It's natural to be unsure what your audience's preferences are. Be able to accept the product you're about to introduce to them at this time.

Test the understanding of consumers by putting every solution on the test with the tops, limitations or conceptual issues to ensure as little chance of rejection as is feasible.

At this point, ideas may go through several reviews and criticisms from the team in general before being altered, revised or eliminated.

It is possible that things don't always go according to plan. If this happens you and your team must consider these questions:

• What caused the failure?

• The solution?

• What was the most effective thing that happened?

• What can you do better to help the user next time?

• Does this method work? Is it a controllable approach?

• Was the modification created with the user's mind?

  1. Test

This is among many reasons that design thinking has become crucial. After prototyping iteratively and with creative design try to find methods to test your ideas quickly and easily with your clients.

Making anything accessible to larger audiences can help you determine how you're customers will feel about your products.

If the reaction is negative You'll have to start again because you cannot release anything that can cost your business cash. Negative reviews could damage the reputation of your company.

Utilize a "friends and family" strategy when you're in a financial pinch or customers are unwilling to change their traditional business methods. The people you talk to must be involved in the problem you're trying to resolve.

The open-ended questions are designed to solve problems, such as "What problem could this solve for you?" What could this solution impact your experience? and "How could it be improved even further as a solution?"

This inquiry focuses on clear and concise responses that hinder the need for iterative improvements and encourage users to improve the idea or solution in beneficial ways.

Examples of Design Thinking

Once you know the concept of design thinking it's the basic principles of design methods and the various elements of design thinking, we can look at the various successful design thinking examples.

A lot of companies are now focusing on design thinking to stand out in the ever-changing market. Below are some brands that have taken advantage of the model.

  1. Netflix

To watch films, first customers needed to visit brick-and-mortar stores to get access to DVDs. It was exhausting and insufferable.

Through the implementation of a subscription program which allows customers to watch at the convenience of their home, Netflix ended the DVD format.

The number of subscribers was 221 million: approximately 214 million people have subscribed to Netflix at the time of 2021, an increase of nearly 16 million over the same period in the year before. The number is expected to rise to 670.7 million in 2024.

Changes that are obvious include trailers as well as the creation of original content that is not broadcast on other networks.

Netflix provides affordable prices and allows you to play as many movies as you'd like following the subscription.

  1. Airbnb

In the beginning, Airbnb did not make more than $200 per week. After some observations, the founders of the company realized that the low quality of the online advertising hosts regularly discouraged customers from making reservations for rooms.

To comprehend the issue they needed to apply empathy. The team took their time travelling to different areas and imagining what the people would need in short-term accommodation.

They decided with plans to Invest in a high-quality camera that could capture images of what the customers wanted to view.

The founders of Airbnb used design thinking to determine the reason why their current customers weren't making use of their services instead of focusing on expanding their customer base.

  1. UberEats

It's in our nature to buy food from the food stores while sitting at home. It is possible, because of UberEats. The Walkabout Program on UberEats is a way for designers to explore the locations where the company operates.

They examine a range of things, such as delivery methods, infrastructure, transportation, and food culture and food.

Their extensive research resulted in several breakthroughs among them the driver app, which is focused on the parking issues of delivery companies in highly urbanized areas.


Design thinking can serve as a fantastic method to deal with difficult business problems. But, you need to apply it to both large and minor issues in order to utilize it efficiently.

The four principles, human-centricity design, ambiguity and redesign and tangibility, are fundamental in design thinking.

The five design thinking stages of empathizing and defining ideas, prototyping, and testing must be completed in a sequence. If you do not follow these steps carefully you'll get unsatisfactory results.

Businesses that have taken the time to integrate design into their processes may be able to see the impact it has had on consumers as well as customer retention. Every business is looking to make money but If you don't take care of your customers' requirements and wants, you'll not be able to succeed.

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