Social article

Social Issues

  • Author Given Sichone
  • Published January 4, 2023
  • Word count 1,144


To begin with, what is Gender-Based Violence?

Gender-Based Violence can be defined as that happens due to sexual grouping's and considerations. However, the concept of Gender Based Violence is not only limited to sexual and physical Violence, but also includes all forms of Violence, where victims are targeted because of Gender roles traditionally assigned to their sex.

On the other hand, School Related Gender-Based Violence refers to acts of sexual, physical or psychological Violence inflicted on children in and around schools because of stereotypes and roles or norms attributed to or expected of them because of their sex or gendered identity. Further, living in a dormitory setting, away from home, can place boys and girls at a higher risk of rape and other sexual violence's. It should be noted that girls and boys can be both victims as we as perpetrators of School Related Gender-Based Violence.

Some drivers of School Related Gender-Based Violence include explicit threat's or acts of physical Violence, bullying, verbal or sexual harassment, non -consensual touching, sexual coercion, assault, and rape. Corporal punishment and discipline in schools often manifest in gendered and discriminatory ways.

In addition, other implicit acts of school Related Gender-Based Violence stem from everyday school practices that reinforce stereotyping and gender inequality, and encourage Violent or unsafe environment's.


It is an important issue because it affects dozens of girls and boys. Both girls and boys can be victims as well S perpetrators of School Related Gender-Based Violence. Evidence suggests that girls are at a higher risk of sexual violence's, harassment and exploitation, this can be due to, her appearance, perhaps has longer a distinctive body physique. This will result in being called names such as slut, hoe and many more .

While boys are more likely to to experience frequent severe physical Violence. Boys are more commonly perpetrators of physical bullying while girls are often more likely to use verbal or psychological forms of Violence.

Furthermore, many are the time's when make teachers would make advances towards girl's in school .When they're eventually rejected they inturn subject the girls' to getbal harassment, making them to fail their tests deliberately they Lso begin to make e



To begin with, what is Gender-Based Violence?

Gender-Based Violence can be defined as that happens due to sexual grouping's and considerations. However, the concept of Gender-Based Violence is not only limited to sexual and physical Violence, but also includes all forms of Violence, where victims are targeted because of Gender roles traditionally assigned to their sex.

On the other hand, School Related Gender-Based Violence refers to acts of sexual, physical or psychological Violence inflicted on children in and around schools. Because of stereotypes and roles or norms attributed to or expected of them because of their sex or gendered identity. Further, living in a dormitory setting, away from home, can place boys and girls at a higher risk of rape and other sexual violence's. It should be noted that girls and boys can be both victims as we as perpetrators of School Related Gender-Based Violence.

Some drivers of School Related Gender-Based Violence include explicit threat's or acts of physical Violence, bullying, verbal or sexual harassment, non -consensual touching, sexual coercion, assault, and rape. Corporal punishment and discipline in schools often manifest in gendered and discriminatory ways.

In addition, other implicit acts of school Related Gender-Based Violence stem from everyday school practices that reinforce stereotyping and gender inequality, and encourage Violent or unsafe environment's.

Why is School Related Gender-Based Violence an Important issue in countries?

It is an important issue because it affects dozens of girls and boys. Both girls and boys can be victims as well S perpetrators of School Related Gender-Based Violence. Evidence suggests that girls are at a higher risk of sexual violence's, harassment and exploitation, this can be due to, her appearance, perhaps has longer a distinctive body physique. This will result in being called names such as slut, hoe and many more.

While boys are more likely to experience frequent, severe physical Violence. Boys are more commonly perpetrators of physical bullying, while girls are often more likely to use verbal or psychological forms of Violence.

Furthermore, many are the times when make teachers would make advances towards girl's in school. When they're eventually rejected, they in turn subject the girls' to verbal harassment, making them to fail their tests deliberately.

Indeed, School Related Gender-Based Violence is an important issue in as not only does it affect the girls and boys, families but, also the countries at large.

What can be done about School Related Gender-Based by the affected Governments?

Applying a whole a school approach to prevent School Related Gender-Based Violence. The Governments should introduce strict policies that compel teacher unions not to protect teacher that have been proved to be perpetrators of School Related Gender-Based Violence.

Further, training of teachers in on how to address School Related Gender-Based Violence. High-quality training on all forms of School Related Gender-Based Violence, will result in effective prevention strategies.

Inclusion of School Related Gender-Based Violence studies in the Curriculums

In the same way studies of poverty, corruption, drug abuse as well as HIV and name a few .hay been included in the Curriculums. School Related Gender-Based Violence studies should also include in Curriculums.

What the Community can do about School Related Gender-Based Violence,

acting against School Related Gender-Based Violence in and around schools, starts with breaking the silence. Thus, the community needs to educate children as well as ado scents about School Related Gender-Based Violence.

As they say,” It takes an entire community to raise a child”. Hence, parents as well as members of the community should educate the young one's. Not only will this enable girls and boys to know the preventive measures to take, but also how to handle School Related Gender-Based Violence.

In addition, when parents as well as guardians, educate their children, children in turn carry the same learned knowledge to school, which will result in them knowing acceptable behavior as well as how to socialize with their peers.

Map unsafe areas in and around schools. Areas such as unsecured dormitories in schools that are isolated should be monitored, further communities can form a neighborhood watch that regulates the safety of dormitories in schools that are in far thrown areas.

Outside schools, they're areas such as unfinished buildings, dissected streets, and many more. Hence, community members should provide their children with safe transport to and from schools.

In conclusion, School Related Gender-Based Violence is a devastating phenomenon that undermines efforts to provide good quality education and achieve education for all. It has consequences on attendance, learning completion of all learners, and has wider negative impacts on families and communities.

My name is Given sichone and I'm in my tenth grade at Mansa Secondary school located in luapula Zambia.

Writing has been a passion I have had since I was email address is

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