Air pollution: Our planet is suffocating

Reference & Education

  • Author Azoud Walid
  • Published May 7, 2023
  • Word count 720

Introduction :

Air pollution is a mixture of chemicals, particles and other elements present in the air in quantities that are harmful to the health of humans. It is also considered the greatest threat to human health globally.

What are the causes of air pollution to human and the environment?

Some of the primary causes of air pollution would be: solid and liquid particle and certain gases that are suspended in the air like: smoke from cars, Industrial emissions, and gases from volcanoes, soils or forest fires. Most of the causes come from humanity but some are natural and are therefore even more difficult to reduce. Whether pollution is natural or human, it always acts negatively on human health as well as any being on this planet. As pollutants in the air cannot be seen with our naked eyes, we do not realize the sources of the increasing pollution levels. There are many harmful components that affect the environment, for example there are various vapors, allergens, organic elements circulating in the air or various fumes and odors. The danger of these elements is that they reduce the level of oxygen in the air. Nevertheless, where do these chemicals come from? To summarize, a few factors are categorized:

• Farming

• Industries

• Transportation

• Waste

• Households

• Natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, pollen, dust, sandstorms…

• Domestic pollution can also be caused by different elements:

• Fossil fuels, wood and other biomass fuels for cooking

• Sewage disposal

• Electricity

• Domestic heating

Air pollution is also linked to climate change, because pollutants such as methane, black carbon, and ground level ozone, have an impact on global warning

How can we reduce air pollution?

Driving less and using public transport, cycling or walking more can help reduce air pollution. Using more fuel-efficient cars or electric vehicles that do not rely on fossil fuels can also reduce our emissions up in the atmosphere. We have the ability and knowledge to improve air quality. Moreover, when we do, we can mitigate climate change, increase life expectancy, and improve ecosystem health. Increasing crop yields and sustainable development.

The consequences of air pollution in Morocco:

The consequences of air pollutants in morocco are huge-ranging and may have serious fitness outcomes. Respiratory illnesses together with allergies, bronchitis, and emphysema are not unusual among those who are exposed to excessive levels of air pollutants. Moreover, air pollutants can exacerbate existing fitness situations such as coronary heart sickness and diabetes.

Air pollutants can also have a massive impact at the surroundings. High levels of pollutants in the air can damage plant and animal existence, in addition to make contributions to climate trade. This may have a ripple impact at the surroundings, affecting the whole thing from soil first-rate to the availability of water.

What are the efforts of the Moroccan government against air pollution?

The authorities has additionally applied stricter guidelines on emissions from factories and energy flowers. These regulations require organizations to install present day emissions manipulate technology and regularly display their emissions. Moreover, the authorities has incentivized using renewable power sources consisting of wind and sun power, which could assist lessen emissions from strength plants.

In terms of transportation, the government has delivered regulations that require motors to satisfy stricter emissions requirements. Additionally, the government has promoted the usage of public transportation, biking, and on foot as alternatives.

Ultimately, the Moroccan government has released several public attention campaigns to educate citizens about the risks of air pollutants and inspire them to take steps to reduce their personal contributions to the problem. These campaigns encompass projects to lessen plastic waste and encourage sustainable practices.


Air pollutants is an extreme hassle in Morocco, with industrialization, transportation, and geography all contributing to high stages of pollution in the air. The outcomes of air pollution on health and the surroundings are huge-ranging and critical. However, the Moroccan authorities has recognized the seriousness of the problem and has taken steps to cope with it. Through a combination of stricter guidelines, public focus campaigns, and the promoting of renewable power resources, the authorities is operating to reduce air pollution degrees in Morocco. By way of persevering with to prioritize this issue, morocco can paintings towards a purifier, healthier



Hi i am a JRE compitionner and me and my group are participating in the JRE contest in a hope to win

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