Assani Elolo Ronaldo - How Bank Instruments Facilitate Gold Deals

FinanceTrading / Investing

  • Author Chris Benowalt
  • Published April 11, 2024
  • Word count 930

According to Assani Elolo Ronaldo, few assets hold the allure and mystique of gold. As a precious metal with enduring value, gold transactions often involve complex negotiations and significant financial commitments.

Amidst this intricate landscape, bank instruments emerge as invaluable tools. These tools provide the necessary assurances and guarantees to facilitate seamless gold deals between buyers and sellers.

The main bank instruments used to facilitate gold transactions are letters of credit (LC) bank guarantees {BG} or standby letters of credit (SBLC).

These instruments are meant to secure transactions and mitigate risks for all parties involved. Let's delve into how these instruments unlock the potential of gold deals:

Assani Elolo Ronaldo - Why Instruments are Best for Gold Deals

Financial Security and Confidence

“Gold transactions typically entail substantial sums of money, making financial security a paramount concern for both buyers and sellers.” Assani Elolo Ronaldo.

Bank instruments offer a layer of assurance by guaranteeing payment upon the fulfillment of contractual obligations. Sellers can rest assured that they will receive payment as agreed, while buyers gain confidence that the gold will be delivered as specified.

Mitigating Transaction Risks

The complexities of international trade, coupled with the inherent volatility of commodity markets, introduce various risks to gold deals.

Bank instruments help mitigate these risks by providing mechanisms to address issues such as non-payment or non-delivery. In the event of a contractual breach, the aggrieved party can call upon the bank instrument to seek recourse, thus safeguarding their interests.

Enabling Cross-Border Transactions

Gold deals often span multiple jurisdictions, each with its regulatory frameworks and banking practices. Bank instruments facilitate cross-border transactions by providing universally recognized guarantees that transcend geographical boundaries.’

This enables buyers and sellers from different parts of the world to engage in gold trading with confidence. As a result, you will always know that their interests are protected by reputable financial institutions.

Streamlining Transaction Processes

The documentation and administrative requirements associated with gold deals can be cumbersome and time-consuming.

Bank instruments streamline these processes by offering standardized mechanisms for payment and delivery. Parties can rely on established banking procedures and protocols, reducing the need for extensive negotiations and documentation, thereby expediting the transaction timeline.

Building Trust and Credibility

In the competitive world of commodities trading, trust and credibility are paramount. Bank instruments enhance the trustworthiness of parties involved in gold deals by providing tangible assurances backed by reputable financial institutions.

This fosters stronger relationships between buyers and sellers, laying the foundation for future transactions and collaborations.

Difference Between an SBLC and a DLC

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) and Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC) are both types of financial instruments used in international trade and finance. However, according to Assani Ronaldo, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Here's a breakdown of the differences between SBLC and DLC:


SBLC: A Standby Letter of Credit primarily serves as a secondary payment guarantee, used when a buyer fails to fulfill their payment obligations. It acts as a form of insurance for the seller, ensuring they receive payment even if the buyer defaults.

DLC: A Documentary Letter of Credit is a primary payment mechanism used to facilitate trade transactions. It guarantees payment to the seller upon presenting compliant shipping documents, provided the terms and conditions of the credit are met.

Nature of Guarantee:

SBLC: It provides a contingent payment guarantee. The issuer of the SBLC agrees to pay the beneficiary (seller) if the applicant (buyer) fails to fulfill their contractual obligations.

DLC: It serves as a primary payment guarantee. The issuing bank undertakes to pay the beneficiary (seller) upon presentation of specified documents confirming the shipment or delivery of goods, regardless of the buyer's financial status.


SBLC: Commonly used in situations where the seller requires assurance of payment due to concerns about the buyer's creditworthiness or the risk of non-payment.

DLC: Widely utilized in international trade transactions to mitigate risks for both buyers and sellers. It provides security for the seller that they will receive payment upon fulfilling their obligations and gives the buyer confidence that the goods will be delivered as per the agreed terms.


SBLC: The terms and conditions of an SBLC are outlined in a separate agreement between the beneficiary (seller) and the applicant (buyer), which may include details such as the amount, expiry date, and conditions triggering payment.

DLC: The terms and conditions of a DLC are specified in the documentary credit issued by the buyer's bank. This includes details such as the amount, expiry date, documents required for payment, and any specific conditions to be met.


SBLC: Typically, SBLCs are more expensive than DLCs since they provide a secondary form of payment guarantee and involve a higher level of risk for the issuing bank.

DLC: The cost of a DLC depends on various factors such as the creditworthiness of the buyer, the complexity of the transaction, and prevailing market conditions. Generally, DLCs are less expensive than SBLCs.


Bank instruments play a pivotal role in facilitating gold deals, offering essential financial guarantees and risk mitigation mechanisms that underpin the integrity and efficiency of transactions. Whether it's ensuring prompt payment or securing the delivery of gold, these instruments serve as the bedrock upon which successful deals are built.

As the global appetite for gold continues to grow, the role of bank instruments in facilitating gold deals will only become more pronounced.

“By leveraging these financial tools, buyers and sellers can navigate the complexities of the gold market with confidence, unlocking new opportunities for growth and prosperity in the ever-evolving world of commodities trading.” Assani Elolo Ronaldo.

Hey, I am Chris, and I am a reporter. I deal with mining-related news, and I hope I can provide value to all the readers on this platform.

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