psychophysical space time

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Rick Conner Phd
  • Published March 6, 2025
  • Word count 1,364


Rick Conner, PhD (photonics/clinical psychology)


Aaron Beck, the founder of clinical psychology defined the human behavior based on decisions, behavior, and emotions. Using photonics allows for a quantification of this process. This is based on the authors’ well received presentation to Richard Feynman, and Dr. Chevy (chair of theoretical physics Caltech).

This is an advanced academic version to include psychophysical quantum mechanics invented by the author, see references.

The mind/brain universally interprets images, scenes in a video, or any form of communication in terms of the degree of positive and negative of dual opposites.

Typical examples are:

The degree of good and bad from 100 percent good to 100 percent bad, or somewhere in between (which is defined as 1 to -1 and any points in between – zero being the neutral value.

The degree of agreement and disagreement. The degree of conflict or cooperation; the degree of accept or reject; the degree of happy or sad…

There are infinite examples. In fact, the entire Webster dictionary could be represented as synonyms/antonyms of different magnitudes. These form a basis of psychophysical vectors relating to the three fundamental forms of Aaron Becks work – decisions, behaviors/actions, and emotional reactions.

One dimensional time series data.

Decisions: If observers, O(1) through O(n) are making a series of decisions about the interpretation of enemy or friendly tanks in a video these can be represented as vectors. For example, for O(1) he interprets tank one as 100 percent a threat ready to fire, tank two as a friendly tank or 100 percent not a threat. So, we have two vectors of value D = 1 and D =-1 in magnitude at time one and time two. At time three O(1) sees the enemy tank in a neutral threat, of value zero. Another time an enemy tank if out of resolution and thus of some other degree of perceived threat. Over time this makes a series of vectors. The curve connecting these is random in the sense that it represents some abstract process happening in the observer’s brain. However, it is mathematically convenient to normalize it to a Fourier series curve since any curve can be broken into magnitudes of cosine and sine functions. We can then extract amplitude and phase information in a coherent manageable way. This is called the psychophysical wave interpretation.

Behavior: The same process applies exactly to behavior data. For example, if the observer sees the tank as 100 percent threat, then B = 1. Which could then be an instruction to take serious action of some sort. At another time he sees the tank as 100 percent friendly and of no threat, so the vector is B = -1 as a dual opposite instruction to retreat. Notice that a friendly tank could yield an action to fire at it anyway, as he is emotionally out of touch.

Emotion: For example, a person is watching a movie and scores his emotional reaction in the same way – from any degree of positive to degree of negative feeling.

Scoring data can be via questionnaires, a slider on the persons laptop, voice, or many options.

Two-Dimensional Data

We can form a circle of unit radius and plot this data in polar coordinates. For example, D = 1 along the y axis and B = .5 along the x axis. The curve connecting these is considered to minimize the metric and connection coefficients, thus a geodesic. Again, the values represent some complex psychophysical process in the brain which would require very sophisticated neuro science methods to map.

The radius vector along the curve is defined temporally, or a parametric curve because the observer makes decisions at time one and then takes and action at time two. The tangent vector to the curve is the covariant derivative in polar coordinates as this would represent some cognitive force moving the observers thinking in time. It could include the influence of other observers interacting with the first observer. This is mathematically described as a pseudo mass which would represent the observer’s resistance to change his interpretation. The tangent vector could then be F*(t) = m*(t) a*(t) – the * stands for psychophysical coordinates. This could be represented as one sphere with a surface parameter as a function of the polar angles and time. Time is the clock on the wall in these types of mappings. Since there are multiple observers, they are circles interacting and moving in time, all of which yields coupled psychophysical differential wave equations.

Notice that when the observer records his behavior the decision vector goes to zero, which is translated as his decision turns into an action.

Three-Dimensional Representation

This logic can be expanded to unit spheres with axis B(t), E(t) and D(t).

The spectrometer can be a way to translate the psychophysical data into photonics data. Simply connect a slow light laser, or any narrow line width laser to a grating and related optics where the wavelength is mapped to each position on the slider/axis.


The following work is an abstract extension of the derivation Schrodinger’s equation (see reference ---). Ironically, it provides a powerful visualization of the interpretation of mind-matter interaction. It also provides a practical pp space-time coordinate system to record the way people interpret and control each other.

Consider a unit circle in the complex plane of one arbitrary unit radius. The y axis is i sin⁡(θ=wt)* and the x axis is cos⁡〖 (θ=wt)〗*. Break up each axis into an infinite set of intervals where the probability amplitude of mind/brain interpretation and recording on the physical scroll bar, of any external event is:

I(x,t)=exp⁡(i(px-Et)/h) 1.0*

The star means that all the parameters are ppqm values which will be explained more clearly. The y axis is a “mental ruler” and the x axis is the recorded slider/ruler-D, B, E Time. The time is the time from initial cognition of the image on the y axis to the recorded time on the x axis which is a minimum of 500 milliseconds based on current research.

To visual this, consider the fourth quadrant action. At time one the mind perceives an external image and wonders until it settles into one Interval. Then it processes the image and moves in circular orbit from the y axis to the recorded x axis – remember the recorded position on the slider is a mirror image of its mental picture – a one to one mapping. The radius could be zero to one, thus concentric circles.

dI(x,t)/dt=WI,t) 3.0*

I (iy=ix,t1)= I (x,t2) 4.0*

ix=a decision=I Interpret the enemy tank as a 100 percent threat

And record it as x. The same logic applies to x,y,z and ix,iy,iz for

the other ppqm variables, Behavior, and Emotions.

As explained, consider an imaginary mass moving on the arc with ppqm momentum and energy.

t=2m xsqured/(h bar=h)

Where the x will be mapped to a wavelength say between Red, green as neutral and blue the dual opposites in terms of the degree of. Research shows that the minimum time for the brain to see an image, interpret it and record it is around 500 milliseconds. The points in between are complex neuropsychiatric functions which can also be described eventually.

So,I(x,t)=c(1) exp⁡(ipx-Et)divide by h bar

Since a photon is emitted after the movement of the scroll bar. Setting the first derivative in time and setting it equal to the second derivative in space (the tangent vector is proportional to the covariant derivative) simply yields Schrodinger’s equation.

hw=p squared divided by m plus V(x,t)


The brain internal energy and the observers action created a photon with a physical wave via the

ix flowing down and filling up the x axis.V is some brain potential

Let’s call this a thoton created a photon, or a qubit since it is narrow line width, which then creates an electron in the detector.


This process leads to many commercial and academic applications and products.


30 years image processing Boeing

20 years sexual therapy

20 years dance performer

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