Off Site SEO

Computers & TechnologySearch Engine Optimization

  • Author Lambert Klein
  • Published January 16, 2007
  • Word count 874

You can only do so much at a time with your "On Site SEO". Below are some "Off Site SEO" options that can really push your site up higher when you use a few of these.

This may seem like a lot of work. Just concentrate on one step at a time. You will find that it's not that hard. The hardest part is the first time you try something new. Just push yourself and you will see it's fairly easy.

You will be a seasoned pro very soon.


Writing Blogs can be a big boom to increasing quality links to your web site.

You would start a blog on the general subject of your web site and then link to your web site from your blog.

You will have to post regularly to your blog to see good results. This will take time but is worth the effort.

Blogs seem to get index faster then normal web site.

You can setup free Blogs at Blogger and Wordpress

After you setup a couple Blogs there I recommending setting up a Wordpress blog and hosting it yourself. You can download Wordpress for free here.

If you download the software and install it on your own host then you have many more options. Wordpress has many "Plugins" that add functionality to your blog.

Some of these Plugins can even add content for you automatically.

I suggest you start experimenting with the free Plugins. Just look on or search Google.

If you are press for time and want to put some serious content on your site automatically then I suggest you check out SEOBlogBUILDER.

SEOBlogBUILDER will post to your Blogs automatically once you set it up. You have choices to submit your own articles or from RSS feeds. You also can pull content from the search engines targeting keywords.

SEOBlogBUILDER actually rather impressed me by the context it could deliver. It wasn't exactly easy to setup though. You need a host with PHP and MySQL. You will have to set up a CRON as well. This is not a free Plugin.


If you don't write articles then I suggest that you start.

Articles are a great way to get one-way links back to your web site.

My first few articles took a while to write and could have been better, but now I can write articles much faster. They are better quality too.

It's just one of those things that you have to force yourself to start and then you are so grateful you did. You will want to kick yourself for not starting sooner.

You can submit your articles yourself but I strongly suggest that you use a service to do that for you. This way you submit once and the service will submit your articles to hundreds or even thousands of article directories and Webmasters.

Just visualize all of those one-way links coming to your site!

One service I use is "Submit Your Article" and it has worked great for me.

There are others out there that you can investigate.

I think writing articles is one of the best ways to get back links. Don't underestimate the power of blogging though!

Submit To Directories

There are several directories out there to submit to. This could possibly help to a certain degree. Even if you don't receive much SEO results, you could get a few visitors.

DMOZ used to be the place to submit. I don't think they are taking submissions any more.

Search for Directories and the Key Phrase or niche. This could bring up some promising results. These are usually one-way links.

Links to from other sites (reciprocal)

This used to be a great way to get links to your site. The search engines aren't rewarding you as much these days for reciprocal links.

I'm not saying not to go for it, just don't expect great results unless it's from a great relevant site.

I rather spend my time on these other techniques.

Press Releases

This can really help a lot. Along with articles this is another favorite of mine to get one-way quality links.

If you want to submit a press release you have to go at it like a news story. Maybe you have a new business or product people just have to know about. Maybe you have a new idea on something old. It has to be something of interest and newsworthy.

Your Press released will be picked up and distributed all over the web.

A popular place to submit press releases is PRWEB. They have tips on submitting there also.

The links that are pointing back to your site should contain some variation of your key phrase. This is known as the anchor text.

Anchor text is the visible text in a hyperlink. The anchor text should also include keywords when appropriate.

All of the links pointing back to your site shouldn't contain the exact anchor text. This looks artificial to the search engines and could damper your SEO rankings.

Sometimes you may have to approach the webmaster and ask if he would make these changes for you.

When you submit new links keep this in mind. Also use this technique in your bylines when possible.

Lambert Klein is the Author of SEO Results the Organic Way. You can find his e-Book at:

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Article comments

Bobwilliams · 16 years ago
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) does focus more on organic search results. Unfortunately there are many SEO firms that will make you false promises. Search engines rely heavily on linking as part of their algorithms. Hyperlinks are the most important aspect of off-site optimization. They are techniques you can use to help improve your Search Engine rankings but is done off your site. Many other SEO firms know how desperate people are to obtain search engine visibility. Therefore if you hear any of these within a sale pitch, make sure you proceed with caution. -------------------------------------------- Bobwilliams Link Building

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