Authentic Pre-Owned Handbags - Dress Like a Celeb for Less
- Author Diane Duckett
- Published June 26, 2009
- Word count 639
Women today go to great lengths to carry a designer handbag inspired by their favorite celebrity. To be spotted with the same bag as their trendsetting favorites makes them feel unique and special. Plus, most women realize that the stars have it right when purchasing good designer handbags. They know that the quality of the bags and overall design will not only last longer, but will be a good investment. However, many women don’t feel they can afford an original designer handbag, thus, don’t even try to get one.
We are here to change that and to tell you that you absolutely can dress like the stars, on a budget you can afford. You just need to know how to do it.
Here’s our tips for dressing like a star for less:
Buy a pre-owned bag. Here you get to own something expensive and original, but at a fraction of the price you would have to pay if it were new. Pre-owned means it’s an original design, however, it’s been owned before. And as most who purchase designer bags take excellent care of their handbags, this can be just like owning the original. The key to look for is that it’s an authentic pre-owned bag.
What does authentic mean? It means that the handbag you have purchased has been authenticated to be original. A professional has reviewed the handbag and made sure that it’s what it says it is.
You want pre-owned not fake. There is a huge difference. Watch for words such as replica, knockoff, etc. The price considerations will often alert you too. You will not be able to get an authentic Chanel handbag for $49.00. Not going to happen. Plus, even if it looks good, a fake will have obvious design flaws that shout out fake. Besides that, there’s nothing as good as carrying the real deal.
To get the celebrity bags you crave for less, do your research. Look through magazines & read up on the handbag you wish to purchase. Even when purchasing pre-owned, you want a handbag that will carry you through a few seasons and also has features that are right for you. Consider your personality and what you will be using the bags for. For an everyday bag, you will often want something that is larger with more features, such as cell phone holders, etc. A night out on the town handbag can be smaller, but still needs to have the requirements you need.
Notice what the stars are wearing with their handbags and consider that when making your purchases. For example, you’ll often notice stars carrying different Chanel handbags while wearing fashionable jeans. Yet, they are able to wear that same handbag for special occasions with a change in outfits. This helps you to find a versatile bag that can be used for many different occasions. Also, by knowing the type of occasions you routinely attend, and your general casual style, you can perfectly match the bag to you.
To get the best pre-owned bags, make sure to shop at reputable resellers. There the purses have been inspected, authenticated, and carry a guarantee that you will be satisfied. Learn to look over the site & check the photos of the bag you desire. Here you will be able to spot obvious signs that the bag is not authentic.
So the next time you see the bag of your dreams on one of the hottest celebrities, know that you too can dress like the rich and famous toting that authentic designer bag.
For more information on finding an authentic designer handbag of your dreams stop by Chanel & More at the shops of Malleries or contact Diane Duckett at for personalized attention and to find the perfect fashions just right for you.
Chanel fashions are known for their style and timeless elegance. Stop by Chanel & More today at and add to your collection of authentic designer handbags today. Diane Duckett is also available at to personally assist you. Article is free to be reprinted as long as bio remains.
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