Magnetic Generator - Is It a Perpetual Motion Machine?

HomeHome Improvement

  • Author Abi Wright
  • Published March 26, 2010
  • Word count 372

A Perpetual Motion machine is a device that produces energy from nothing but such a device would violate the first law of conservation of energy.

The mere suggestion that it is possible to power our homes using a magnetic generator has grabbed popular attention and is now one of the hottest alternative energy products on the Web.

There have been many attempts over the years to demonstrate that a perpetual machine is possible.

In 1150 Baskara who was an Indian mathematician and astronomer described a wheel that would run forever.

IN 1235 a French Master Builder Villard de Honnecourt left a series of drawings on parchment and one of these was a sketch of a perpetual motion machine.

In 1670 the Bishop of Chester, John Wilkins showed that "Magnetical Virtues" was one of three possible sources of energy for a perpetual motion machine.

Gradually over time the term perpetual energy became associated with scams and fraudulent schemes and so inventors began to use different names to describe these types of machines. Expressions such as overunity and zero point energy are now generally accepted ways to describe these types of devices.

There are many different patents listed for "perpetual motion machines" but it is still unclear as to whether they actually work.

The official policy of that the United States Patent and Trademark Office is to refuse to grant patents for perpetual motion machines unless there is a working model. But what actually happens is that many patent designs have slipped through the first stages and become logged into the system simply because the filing is done by a cleric. Once the initial filing has been done the design is reviewed by an examiner. The patents that we now see listed are there, not because they have proved that they are genuine with working model, but merely because the examiner "thinks that they work or cannot figure out why it wouldn’t work".

Consequently there is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding surrounding the popular notion of perpetual motion machines.

Is the Magnetic Generator a Perpetual Motion Machine? NO definitely not but nevertheless it is an incredibly ingenious device that is certainly worth taking a look at.

They are inexpensive to build and do generate electricity.

Build a magnetic generator to make free electricity to power your home. Discover more at

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Article comments

Magnet Generator
Magnet Generator · 13 years ago
Hi Abi, good article. I understand that magnetic generators are not really perpetual, motion machines. thanks for making that clear.

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