Author's articles

Little Things Lead to Big Things
By Luke Crane · 4 years ago
It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. — John Wooden I don’t play much golf. In fact, I wouldn’t call it playing at all. What can I say… God ...
Values Over Morals
By Luke Crane · 4 years ago
"Values are the qualities of a life lived fully from the inside out." — Laura Witworth Values Are Not Morals When I told my wife about this topic she said "hmmmm…. I’m intrigued". Chances are ...
The Movie Mentality
By Luke Crane · 4 years ago
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." — Carl Young Brian Tracy tells the story about the moment his life changed. He was reading at ...
Are You Giving Credit To The Thunder Or The Lightning
By Luke Crane · 4 years ago
The thunder is good, the thunder is impressive; but it is lighting that does the work. — Mark Twain When you were a kid, were you afraid of thunder? I know I was. Crazy that ...
Is It Really Gossip
By Luke Crane · 4 years ago
Gossip is when you have a malice of intent or mindless, third-party conversation to someone about someone, something you haven’t said to that someone. - Iyanla Vanzant Gossip In Leadership Have you ever asked yourself ...
Challenging "It's Not My Job"
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
That’s not my job — People who don't get it On some level… it is not completely their fault. I know what you are thinking. YES IT IS! They are the ones that keep saying ...
It's Not Just A Pen
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
We are about the relentless pursuit of excellence. — Ward Wiebe At Ritz-Carlton, the tiniest details matter. In the fantastic read "The New Gold Standard" by J. Michelli, he tells the story of the development ...
From Getting Stars to Getting Them
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
Being a leader is sacrificial... it will cost you. In 1955, the first polio vaccine was introduced at a large press conference by Jonas Salk. He was publicly credited as a miracle worker in polio ...
Emotional Bank Accounts
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
No doubt emotional intelligence is more rare than book smarts, but my experience says it is actually more important in the making of a leader. You just can’t ignore it. — Jack Welch Everyone is ...
Progress Not Perfection
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. — Benjamin Franklin Consider this scenario. You are new to a team, and your leader asks you to take on ...
Weaknesses Aren't Strengths
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
Story Time… I had two different passions in high school, football and marching band. More specifically drumline. Now if you know anything about football games, you know that the team plays the first half and ...
Raise Your Leadership Ceiling
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
Anyone can steer the ship, it takes a leader to chart the course.— John Maxwell When I think about leadership, I think about satellites. At any given time a satellite can be flying above us. ...
The Most Important Word in Someone's Vocabulary
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
"What is the most important word in someone’s vocabulary?" was the question a leader who I greatly admire asked me. Trying to be funny in the moment I answered "yes". He quickly responded "no". We ...
How to Be a Leader Without the Power
By Luke Crane · 5 years ago
There is a distinction that needs to be made between leaders and authority. Simply having authority does not make you a leader. Leadership encompasses so many areas. It would take a lifetime to list them ...