Author's articles

How to Identify Cuts of Beef And Where They Come From
By Ruby Wine · 5 years ago
What is the best cut of beef? Many of us are lost when we get to the butcher's, or even the grocery. This article identifies the different kinds and where they come from. Rib-Eye or ...
Creative Leftovers
By Ruby Wine · 5 years ago
Did you know that up to 40% of food grown, processed and transported in the U.S. will never be eaten? On the average, 44% of Americans have found items in the refrigerator they didn't realize ...
Food Storage and Leftovers
By Ruby Cupp · 6 years ago
Fresh Food Storage Oh, the dilemma. What's for dinner? Cooking is hard when there is not many to cook for. Most recipes are geared to servings for 6 or so. What do you do with ...
Cooking with Disney Cookware Review
By Ruby Cupp · 6 years ago
The brand Disney brings back memories of childhood. But you don't have to be a child! Movies, fun times, food, Mickey Mouse ice cream, joys, Mickey Mouse, and ears. This article tells you how to ...
Cost of Ceramic Cookware Sets
By Ruby Cupp · 6 years ago
Ceramic is the oldest form of cookware. In the 60-70's, it was ceramic. In the 80's, Teflon nonstick. In 2000, stainless. In 2010, copper. Recently, ceramic cookware has become more popular since we have learned ...