Author's articles

Teaching Kids to Unplug – A Parenting Battle Worth Fighting
By Julia Bennett · 4 years ago
The nature of blogging is that we often write and post about issues that we’re tackling in our daily lives – or hot button topics that get us really revved up. Here’s one that’s happening ...
None of Us Are Above the Placebo Effect
By Leslie Waghorn · 4 years ago
Webber Vitamin E Cream is fantastic in my mind. I put this stuff on everything. I use it on my lips, on dry skin, on minor cuts and abrasions. I use it instead of regular ...
Sunscreen Myths and Facts
By Jaime Friedman · 4 years ago
An essential part of summer safety is choosing the right sunscreen and using it correctly. Too much information seems to be a cause of confusion for parents. Does everybody need to wear it? Is it ...