Author's articles

Creating a Client-Centered Business
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
What is a client-centered business anyway? A client-centered business is a rather vague idea, but one that focuses on the needs of a client, as opposed to a conventional business model. This isn’t a new ...
How to Increase Your Self-Esteem and Increase Success
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Self-esteem is defined as a person’s overall "self-appraisal…their own level of competence, beauty and worth." Interestingly, self-esteem can involve a person’s belief system, as well as their emotion. Self-esteem can be tied in with a ...
Become a Master of Change
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
When to change? - What to change? - How to change? For most of us, the thought of change can send us into a panic attack. For some of us, we might fear change because ...
Enlist Your Self Control and Achieve Even More
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Self-control is defined as "control of oneself" or the "ability to master one's desires and impulses. Interestingly, self-control is actually perceived in a number of ways. Philosophically speaking self-control could be described as the exertion ...
Concrete Ideas on How to Cope With Stress
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Stress is just a part of life and can be found no matter where in the world you go. Is stress merely part of the inescapable human condition? Are we as a species chronically worried ...
Create Greater Success with Effective Goal Setting
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
It’s relatively easy to set your goals, even if you have never done it or not done it much before. You start by breaking down a broad mission a dream into workable smaller parts. You ...
Helping Others to Progress Creates Business Success
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
If you are in a position of authority then you must be conscientious of two areas: ensuring a quality job (or upholding a directive) and training others to progress in the same field. Essentially, you ...
Strategies to Handle Difficult People or Problems
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Have you ever wondered how to overcome difficult issues or problems? Wait a minute. What does that mean? Difficult issues and problems? How does one define a difficult issue? You can assume that anything that ...
7 Steps To Effective Communication That Gets Results
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Communication is everything in business and in all of our relationships. Honestly, how else would people communicate? In order to enjoy an agreeable business and personal discussion, the communication level has to be excellent. How ...
The Benefits of Doing Something Uncomfortable
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Doesn’t that sound confusing? Why would you want to do something uncomfortable? Don’t we go out of our way to get away from stress and doing things that make us uncomfortable? Yes, but there is ...
Work Less, Make More Money and Enjoy a More Balanced Life
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Apply Coaching to Your Life and Realize Your True Potential Coaching is a form of teaching, with the directive of instructing and training a person to develop a specific ability. There may be many abilities ...
The Value of An Accountability Coach
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
"If you can dream it, you can do it." -- Walt Disney It is estimated that up to ninety percent of our behavior is habitual. That means that up to ninety percent of what you ...
5 Tips to Kick Your "Time-Wasters" Habits
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
It seems like the world is running at such an accelerated speed that we barely have any time to catch our breath. We start the day running out the door at full tilt; only keep ...
Are Limiting Beliefs Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals?
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Inherently speaking, there is nothing that you are not capable of accomplishing. The truth is there is no such thing as can't - you only think you can't. Success is not a special privilege handed ...
Confidence - How to Increase It and Use to Your Advantage
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Confidence will improve both your personal and professional life, here you will learn how to increase it, and use it to your advantage. Some people seem as if they have all the confidence in the ...
Consistently Produce Your Desired Results
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
What is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency? There are a variety of subtle differences as well as some basic ideas to consider. The definition of effective reads "producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect." ...
Are Limiting Beliefs Impacting Your Success?
By Anne Bachrach · 12 years ago
Limiting beliefs refers to a belief system that is self-inhibiting. This system discourages exploration of what we understand as a "wider cognitive space." The beliefs created and perpetuated in this type of system are strongly ...