Author's articles

How To Beat The Signs of Aging
By Barry Lycka · 16 years ago
They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. If that's true, then how much more can people tell about you by looking at your skin, especially those areas that get noticed first? Your ...
Starlight, Star Bright...
By Barry Lycka · 16 years ago
With the long, cold winter behind us, many people start shedding their clothes. But what people don't realize is that this is the wrong thing to do. Why? The sun poses many threats - above ...
Liposuction With Lasers?
By Barry Lycka · 16 years ago
"I have seen the future, and it is now!" seems to have become the credo of our times. So it goes with Hybrid cars and lightning fast Internet technology. Gone are the days of dog ...
Overcoming Fear and Anxiety Associated With Cosmetic Surgery
By Barry Lycka · 16 years ago
Every year in America, more than ten million people undergo cosmetic procedures and surgeries that make visible and corrective changes in their bodily or facial appearances. So, if you're considering "having a little work done," ...
Wrinkles – How To Disguise This Sign of Aging
By Barry Lycka · 16 years ago
Plastic surgery is often used as a way to combat the arrival of wrinkles. While this is a very invasive way to accomplish the goal, it is often successful. With plastic surgery, it is so ...
What Are The Benefits of Regular Massage Treatments?
By Barry Lycka · 16 years ago
There are many things a spa can help you with. For example, .when your muscles ache or your back gives out, there are many different things you can do.. But one that is often overlooked ...
Common Complexion Problems
By Barry Lycka · 17 years ago
As we get older our skin changes, and with those changes we wonder, "What's happening to my skin?"¨ As adults, we believe we shouldn't be experiencing the torments of acne as we did as a ...
More Nail Tips
By Barry Lycka · 17 years ago
Shaping Your Fingernails Polished nails and healthy cuticles aren't the only things that make your fingernails beautiful. Keeping your nails trimmed and shaped properly helps to create a glamorous look to your hands. Every hand ...
Tips for Your Nails
By Barry Lycka · 17 years ago
Nail Tips You may not always want to wear nail polish, and it's typically a good rule of thumb to give your nails a breather in between polishes. Unfortunately, you may notice that your fingernails ...
Laser Hair Removal - Fact or Fiction?
By Barry Lycka · 17 years ago
More and more people are giving laser hair removal a shot! If you're not into this hot, new treatment, then you've come to the right place. Imagine never having to deal with messy creams. Imagine ...