Author's articles

Stop The Rot In Pakistan
By Nawaz Shahzad · 15 years ago
If the political parties are unable to produce leaders, we cannot wait for them forever to do so. We in Pakistan do not have the luxury of time. The military can and will prevail over ...
Why Pakistan
By Ahmad Parvez · 16 years ago
Why was Pakistan created? What was its genesis and what ideology was driving the Pakistan movement? Why did a vast majority of Muslims support the idea of Pakistan and why did a majority of the ...
Satan, A Force
By Ahmed Parvez · 16 years ago
Adam, as the original human being or as the archetype human (Rashid: Human Development Theory: Islamic Vs. Western Perspective, P.4) has been bestowed potentialities to acquire knowledge of how everything else in the universe functions ...
Religious Terrorism
By Ahmad Parvez · 16 years ago
Acts of terrorism are not confined to Muslims alone. Terrorists come from every religion. But the media often uses the term Islamic terrorists or Islamic terrorism, implying terrorism is associated with Islam. It is our ...
The Role of the Mosque (Masjid)
By Maqbool Farhat · 16 years ago
The Mosque in Islamic history was the focal point where political, social, and religious activities were perfectly blended together. The concept of Islamic ideology paid as much attention to a man’s well-being and welfare in ...
Philosophy of War and Human Beings
By Ahmad Parvez · 16 years ago
Human characteristics are baffling in their complexity and contradictions. Man’s capacity for ennoblement is equalled only by his capacity for debasement. He can rise to heights of sublimity but also sinks to the lowest depths ...
Religion Islam & Conspiracies
By Ahmed Parvez · 17 years ago
Once I have read the article which asked religious scholars of different Muslim sects, how would they define a Muslim? This report has been published and is available. Some of these scholars refused to answer ...
By Ahmed Parvez · 17 years ago
Those people who have no character is acknowledged universally, at home and abroad, in business and government circles and in every sphere of social activities. Lack of character produces social imbalance and leads ultimately to ...
Muslim World
By Ahmed Parvez · 17 years ago
If one looks at the general picture of the Muslim world today it is hard to find something positive on the horizon. There is political chaos and regional turmoil all over the Muslim world. Muslims ...
By Ahmed Parvez · 17 years ago
The Book that God gave to Prophet Mohammad through revelation, and which he passed on to the Muslims in the form in which we know it today. The internal evidence provided by the Quran itself, ...
The Self
By Ahmed Parvez · 17 years ago
Personality or self is no doubt centered in the physical organism. But there are valid grounds for believing that it is not identical with the body. That man is something more than his physical self, ...
By Ahmed Parvez · 17 years ago
The Matter that concerns women is that of physical exposure of their bodies (Hijab). It is a very sensitive issue as most of people are quite emotional about this subject. The Muslim clergy feels that ...
Human Nature, the Reality!
By Ahmed Parvez · 17 years ago
What is the nature of human self, in the ancient and medieval philosophy the self was synonymous with the soul and the soul was believed to be an indestructible substance which existed before its temporary ...
Concept of Life
By Ahmed Parvez · 17 years ago
How does the concept of life (right or wrong) change the perspective of human vision and define the direction of his activities, we need not to go anywhere far to understand it. Every one complains ...