Author's articles

Affects of Night Eating Syndrome on Weight Loss
By Gary Grewal · 14 years ago
Are you someone who consumes more than 50% of your daily intake only after 6:00 PM in the evening or someone who is struggling with weight loss and stress? Night Eating Syndrome (NES) is a ...
Weight Loss Failure – Overcoming Two Leading Problems
By Gary Grewal · 14 years ago
A large number of people around the world are overweight. Most of them have been following different programs that would help them to lose weight but they were not successful. If you ask any person ...
Breakfast ideas for weight loss
By Gary Grewal · 14 years ago
Most of you already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Throughout your childhood you have heard this from your parents and they are right about it. A lot of people ...
Controlling Your Taste To Lose Weight
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Mentioned below are some of the tips that will help your stomach feel full for a longer duration and avoid curb cravings. It is worth giving the following tips a try as they will eventually ...
Measuring your Weight Loss Progress
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
How do you measure the result of your changed healthy lifestyle? Obvious changes in health-related behavior patterns like decreased dependence on medications, increase in ability to perform physical activity, reduced intake of fat, and the ...
Boosting Your Metabolism For Weight Loss
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Metabolism helps a lot in burning fat. People who are fat are due to the reason that there metabolism is not burning at a faster rate. Metabolism helps to burn fat even when you are ...
Burning Your Calories To Lose Weight
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Increase in calories always lead to an increase in weight. A lot of people exercise a lot but still they look fat. Most of them get frustrated and stop exercising, while others keep on exercising ...
10 Tips For Successful Weight Loss
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Losing weight is not a very difficult job. You can find hundreds of people out there who have successfully lost weight and have maintained it to date. Even you can do this, you need to ...
Making Time To Exercise
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Most of us are masters at not finding time for exercise! Whether it is a sub conscious block or a jinxed activity, we simply can’t seem to fit in the exercise schedule in our daily ...
Affect Of Sleeping Habits On Weight Loss
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Not many people believe that a change in one’s sleeping habits can have an impact on weight loss. But this is a fact that it will affect your weight. Maintaining a healthy and well shaped ...
Giving up on weight loss? Think again
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Are you one of those who have lost hope in weight loss? You think you can’t do it for nuts. You think you have tried it all and it’s of no use? Think again! Most ...
Weight Loss Benefits of Weight Training
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Is weight training worth it? Can’t I just jog on the treadmill? Is this what you are thinking? The answer is no. Its time you should discover the benefits of weight training, which is one ...
Healthy foods: The most essential element of weight loss
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Weight loss can be futile process if you just go on diets without finding out what will really suit your body and metabolic system. You can diet for 25 years and still end up fatter ...
Morning Exercises: The Key To Weight Loss
By Gary Grewal · 15 years ago
Did you know that weight loss becomes an easy task when you work out in the morning? It’s the single most important factor for an easy and a natural weight loss. So try to exercise ...
One Step Closer To Your Weight Loss Goal
By Gary Grewal · 16 years ago
Weight management program should not be something that you plan, strictly follow, and end up feeling bad when you don’t keep up to it, it cannot be effective if this is your outlook. Healthy habits ...
Sensible Weight Loss Requires Focus
By Gary Grewal · 16 years ago
If you want to accomplish anything in the world then you must have the required dedication and focus to do so. Weight loss also requires the focus which will lead you to do all the ...
Weight Loss 101: A No-Diet Approach
By Gary Grewal · 16 years ago
It does not matter if you want to shed two pounds or twenty pounds or even more than that, the unchanged straightforward laws of physics establish the fact whether you can or you cannot lose ...
Water: A Secret Weight Loss Formula
By Gary Grewal · 16 years ago
Are you one of the many people around the globe who want to get rid of their fats? Definitely you are. Who wants to be fat and bulky? Actually you will not find even a ...