Author's articles

Stress Relief: Becoming stress resistant and having freedom from stress
By Art Martin · 14 years ago
In becoming stress resistant it may take some concentrated effort to review your basic response to stressors in your life. Many people have autopilot reactions to stressful situations. We have to be able to recognize ...
Stress Relief: What is stress?
By Art Martin · 14 years ago
Stress is difficult for scientists to define because it is a subjective sensation associated with varied symptoms that differ for each of us. Hans Selye set out the first definition. Many scientists see stress as ...
Stress Relief: The Origins of Stress Research
By Art Martin · 14 years ago
Hans Selye is considered the first researcher who was able to assign a meaning to a syndrome he discovered which was destroying productivity in business and was causing burnout in many people.  Selye complained several ...
What Is A Perfect Relationship?
By Art Martin · 15 years ago
Most people view relationships as being outside of self.  The problem with this is all relationships begin with us not with others.  We must develop an effective relationship with self before we can extend out ...
Is Your Life On Fire Or Burning Out?
By Art Martin · 15 years ago
Your life is functioning in one of these three basic patterns: 1. The fire of desire, inspiration, enthusiasm, and passion is driving your life with energy and purpose. 2. You are on fire all right, ...
Weight Loss Freedom
By Art Martin · 15 years ago
It takes a lifestyle change!  Are you ready for a miracle in your lifestyle?  Have you tried all the weight reduction systems and exercise programs with very little results or even total failure to reduce ...
False Evidence Appearing Real
By Art Martin · 15 years ago
Most people react to fear before it happens because they make an assumption of what might happen if I expose myself to or take this step. We have a saboteur in our brain which keeps ...
What Is Your Purpose and Goals
By Art Martin · 15 years ago
Every once in a while you meet people who are inspired by their work. They exude enthusiasm and passion. They appear to care genuinely about what they are doing, the people with whom they work, ...
What is Unconditional Love
By Art Martin · 15 years ago
Do you think you know what comprises the qualities and aspects of unconditional love? I am not referring to what you may think or believe what love is at a Conscious level. Does your Subconscious ...