False Evidence Appearing Real


  • Author Art Martin
  • Published April 2, 2009
  • Word count 552

Most people react to fear before it happens because they make an assumption of what might happen if I expose myself to or take this step.  We have a saboteur in our brain which keeps us on the straight and narrow because it knows where you are is secure, safe and we can protect ourselves from this illusionary fear which we see in front of us.  There really is no fear.  We create the fear due to our inability to confront the fear.  We can get through it if we had the courage.  Yet most people retreat from the false evidence they perceive (see) before them.  Unfortunately there is not any possible way we can see that this false evidence is actually appearing real if we are in an illusion which is more real to us than the actual truth in what we perceive (seeing).

There is not any way you are going to convince or prove to a person they are in this illusion they are in if you are not an authority figure they accept.  If they accept the opinion of this authority figure they usually give their power away to them and accept their opinion, direction or diagnosis from a medical doctor or a trusted advisor, coach or mentor without any conditions.  Yet, a person who may have more credible information is rejected, scorned and criticized as providing false information, being self righteous or phony by them.  It does not make any difference how credible you are if they, the perceivers are in an illusion of fear.

It can be very frustrating to see people make decisions to follow a direction when you know they are on an ineffective path. It could be any situation in life.   It is not limited to any particular activity.  It can be health, relationships, business or a decision to purchase something you know is not a good buy etc.  Again the fear creator in our mind is at work.  Most people will believe this false self, which is controlling their life.  The main self talkers in our mind are the Inner Critic and the Critical Parent.  These are sub personalities that run our life.

The main cause is most people are on autopilot controlled by programs in their mind which make decisions for them.   The main one is Conscious Controlling Mind. It actually took over in childhood and pushed our Conscious mind aside and took over. The average person has from no control to 20 of the people from industrialized nations struggle through life in an illusion feeling there is not way to succeed or control diseases that confront them.

30 are making changes in their life to obtain success and happiness.

When we realize only 5 of this 5 category so they were making attempts to change their life.  Even though I offered them an opportunity to work with me and overcome these road blocks, boulders and limitations they had put in place in their life path only 25 of that 25% were willing to follow through and take the steps required to obtain success in their life.  Again, what was holding them back?   It was fear of change. 

To find out more how to overcome fear and remove the saboteur in our brain which blocks our success watch for next article on FEAR, False Evidence Appearing Real.

Dr. Martin believes you can have peace, happiness, harmony, joy, unconditional love and financial abundance; it is available to you at all times. You have the ability to change your life and create a new future simply by reprogramming your mind! Learn more about fear at Dr. Martin's website.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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