
Three Steps to Eliminating Beliefs That Limit You
By Carmen Gilfillan · 2 months ago
In a quote from the book, The Inner Rising, it says "Our belief systems act as filters through which we see the world and which influence the "spin" we put on our lives". This quote ...
The Journey to Self-Love: Embracing Your Inner Worth
By Carla Corelli · 3 months ago
Self-love is the foundational block upon which we build a life of contentment, resilience, and authenticity. It's about acknowledging our value as individuals, treating ourselves with kindness, and not being overly critical about our flaws. ...
Time Is Collapsing
By Robert Hall · 3 months ago
This is really amazing, I recently entered a writing contest on a site for authors. The contest had 5 themes to choose from. I chose “Write a story from the point of view of a ...
Insider's Guide to Wellness Retreats
By Minelsa Del Rosario · 7 months ago
Every once in a while, we all deserve to break free from the daily grind and take care of ourselves. If you’re dealing with sore muscles, an aching back, low libido, or have been feeling ...
7 Daily Choices That Make Up 95% of Your Success in Life
By Grace Olsen · 8 months ago
Have you ever stopped to think about what defines success in life? We often hear about big achievements, but what about the everyday decisions that pave the way for that success? Although success often seems ...
The Best Books Written By Dr.Mani
By Candace Wilson · 11 months ago
Bookworms and bibliophiles will love this compilation. Because if you're ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of books by the incredible Dr. Mani, fasten your seatbelt. Trust me, you're in for ...
Coexilia: Embracing Unity for a Harmonious Future
By Aegis Solis · 11 months ago
In a world marked by division and conflict, there emerges a beacon of hope and transformation: Coexilia. At its core, Coexilia is a visionary movement that seeks to bridge the gaps between individuals, communities, and ...
Grief is Ghetto
By Jasmine Crawford · 1 year ago
It’s the day of the funeral and everyone is a mess. A sea of people wearing black in pews grieving the loss of Ken. The light of the room, laughter for the day, and the ...
17 Fun & Simple ways to find your Inner Peace
By Mark Rosenberg · 1 year ago
Life is busy. We are busy. Taking time for yourself might sound easier said than done, but it actually is very doable and can be a life changing experience for the better.  We’ve put together ...
Please Stay 6 Feet Apart: Navigating Emotional Growth in a Post – COVID Society
By Cassandra Lamadieu · 1 year ago
As for now (fingers crossed) we can concur that the height of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us all. It may rear its ugly head back in the upcoming fall, but I have faith the ...
Everything Happens For A Reason Part 1
By Maika Maï · 1 year ago
Why didn't I listen to my Intuition? "I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am." ― Albert Einstein --- Everything seemed to be going ...
First Day of Middle School
By Sahra Abdi · 2 years ago
It was a bright sunny day. My brother dropped me at the school's main gate. I took a deep breath and started walking towards the main entrance. I was in emotional turmoil. I was excited, ...
Need a Mood Boost? Here’s How Smiling Can Help!
By Thomas Novak, Dds · 2 years ago
Have you been feeling in a funk recently? Whether it’s because you’re stressed at work, dealing with pandemic fatigue, or just not feeling your best for an unknown reason, the last thing you want to ...
Get rid of the "If only" mindset
By Robert Stewart · 2 years ago
INTRODUCTION A lot of people wait for some circumstance change in their life before they will be happy as if their happiness is dependent on their circumstances. Happiness does not depend on your situation but ...
Happiness is a Dynamic Tool to Increase Productivity in The Workplace
By Bivash Panday · 2 years ago
Pursuing happiness in the workplace teaches employees how to turn any stressful situation into an inspiring learning experience to become productive. Researchers have discussed for decades how happiness can be defined, as it has been ...
Change your Day--Change your Life
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
If you belong to that happy, lucky group of people in the world that like their lives just as they are than this article is not for you, but if you unfortunately belong to the ...
The Search for Meaning
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
I recently read an article about Viktor Frankl 1905-1997 the Austrian psychiatrist and best selling author of the “Man's Search for Meaning.” He was an Auschwitz survivor who wrote this book after the war in ...
“Happiness Hormones” – The reasons why it is so hard to achieve happiness by utilizing them
By Shlomo Agami · 2 years ago
Our body has glands that secrete hormones and neurotransmitters which provide us a sense of joy, peace and tranquility for both body and mind. They are called “Happiness Hormones”. The 4 main "Happiness Hormones" are ...
The Secret to Happy Life
By Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon · 2 years ago
The Secret to Happy Life Here is a list of 15 essentials a person should strive to achieve happiness: 1. GOOD HEALTH - First and foremost is GOOD HEALTH. So take care of Physical and ...
The Strangest Thing Men Desire. (And how it can make him crazy for you.)
By Khalif Gloria · 2 years ago
Have you at any point felt drawn to a person without knowing why? Perhaps you've even cared deeply about somebody you'd prefer not to be drawn to. For what reason does this occur? How might ...