Stress Management

Is it Possible to Nurture Mental Well-being through Creative Engagement?
By Leanne Gouck · 1 month ago
In a world where stress and anxiety seem to be ever-present, individuals are increasingly turning to creative outlets as a means of finding solace and promoting mental well-being. But is scientific evidence supporting the notion ...
The 3B Method For Lowering Your Stress Response
By Carmen Gilfillan · 2 months ago
As we go through our lives, there may be times when we’re challenged, and that challenge can result in us feeling under stress. We may, automatically, assume that the stress we’re experiencing is bad. The ...
Daily Reflection: Cultivating Mindfulness Through Journaling
By Carla Corelli · 4 months ago
Journaling is a simple yet powerful way to connect with your inner self, thoughts, and emotions. In addition, it acts as a conduit for mindfulness by encouraging a deliberate focus on the present moment. By ...
Procrastinators and Productivity
By Ngozi Anna Akunne · 6 months ago
PROCRASTINATION AND PRODUCTIVITY On today’s episode on being productive, I will be centering on procrastinators and productivity. But first, while is productivity a frequently misunderstood concept? Most people believe that to be productive, they’ve to ...
Let Purpose Get You Off the Hamster Wheel
By Dr. Noelle Nelson · 1 year ago
Some days it feels like life is one endless hamster wheel, where you go round and round and round in the same way day after day. You know the drill: chores-work-kids-chores-bed, rinse and repeat. Oh, ...
Checklist for the Essential Elements of Good Mental Health
By June Stepansky · 1 year ago
Modern living can be very challenging for many people. Unfortunately, there is a crisis in mental health today in our country that is affecting all of our lives and killing our children. Mentally ill people ...
How to perform international calls in English without stress?
By Adam · 1 year ago
Performing international calls in English can be a daunting task for non-native speakers, but with a few simple strategies, you can improve your confidence and communication skills. In this article, we'll explore some tips for ...
My “Worry” Epiphany
By Dr. Noelle Nelson · 1 year ago
You would think that a garden-variety cold would hardly lead to an epiphany. That’s what happened. I ended up flat on my back, sneezing, coughing, not-sleeping, miserable, with a severe head cold and laryngitis. Lovely. ...
Which Hurts ... Sticks, Stones, or Words?
By Cheryl Gowin And Dennis Gowin · 1 year ago
A childhood verse goes, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Do you really believe that? I don’t. Just consider these recent headlines. Rutgers football player quits, alleging verbal ...
Love them or hate them, exams are part of school life - let's sort out the stress involved.
By Jean Mckenzie · 1 year ago
Learn how to reduce exam stress so you feel more confident. Left to run rampant, stress in the lead up to and during an exam can significantly impact on the results you achieve. And not ...
Play Fully
By Bruce Wilson · 1 year ago
Play Fully Bruce Wilson, PhD George Bernard Shaw said: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” This may be an understatement. In the late 1930’s historian Johan ...
Stress Management?
By Pascal Hidayat · 2 years ago
What is stress? What is stress management? Stress is a body reaction whenever we face a new threat, pressure, or situation. During this condition, we might experience faster breathing and muscle tension. Stress is felt ...
Bruxism: What It Is & How to Tell If You Have It
By Dr. Albert Kim · 2 years ago
Do you clench your jaw when you’re stressed? Do you often wake up with a dull headache? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then you may have a condition called Bruxism. It’s ...
Can Stress Hurt Your Teeth and Jaw?
By Dr. Paul Coombs · 2 years ago
While some of the effects that stress can have on your physical and mental healthy are obvious, others are more subtle. As a prime example, many people aren’t aware that stress can contribute to temporomandibular ...
Chase Your Brain! - A quick tip on revision procrastination
By Sadam Alah · 2 years ago
Chase Your Brain! An article on how to stay focused when revising. Humans can not simply agree. There are always debates and arguments about who is right and wrong. While this can be extremely frustrating, ...
The Inevitability of Change
By June Stepansky · 2 years ago
“Everything changes. Nothing remains without change” –Buddha Change is Inevitable. Whether we suffer a painful loss, endure the breakup of a relationship or lose a job, we can never escape the consequences of change. Although ...
Why Do Some People Get Angry Easily Than Others?
By Claire Ballar · 2 years ago
What is Anger? Anger is often described as an "unwelcome emotion", it is surely a negative one, but also it shouldn’t be taken as useless. After all, these emotions are a response to particular situations. ...
What Are Stress Tablets and Why You Need Them
By Brad Barrington · 3 years ago
Are you stressed out and exhausted? You may just need to increase you vitamin intake. Physical and mental stress can rob you of nutrients and energy. When under a heavy stress load your body can ...
Stress from COVID is making male hair loss worse - it’s time to do something about it.
By Laura Evans · 3 years ago
The past year hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing. After living through more than a couple of lockdowns, it’s no surprise that stress is starting to take its toll on a huge number of men. With ...
Most popular nature sounds for stress relief
By Sammy King · 4 years ago
Nature sounds can be a great way to relax after having a tough day, either at work, school or in your personal life. They also make a calming atmosphere if you play them in the ...