
How Magda Kay Left Her Corporate Career and Became an Intimacy Expert
By Olivia Stern · 4 months ago
A journey from the hyper-logical existence of the mind to the subtler explorations of the heart. Magda was 24, sipping champagne on a Milan rooftop after finishing a long and busy week of work at ...
How to Flip Your Thinking to Change Your Results
By Carmen Gilfillan · 4 months ago
How can we flip our thinking to see the positive side of life? A positive attitude towards our successes or failures in life is, according to Brian Tracy and W Clement Stone, not only about ...
By Ali Nurullah Bin Zainal Abidin · 7 months ago
“Why do people procrastinate?” “Why do we need to fight procrastination?” Definition of procrastination Procrastinate: to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring (according to Cambridge dictionary). What ...
Tethers of Toughness
By Melanie Lane · 7 months ago
This week I sat with a young man who was broken and in pain. Sitting with him in his hurt, I watched and listened. Over and over again, he spoke of the need to show ...
Find Your Voice, Let Your Story Be Heard.
By Tiara Armani · 9 months ago
Do you have something in your belly or in your soul that’s been wanting to burst out? But it’s the negative thoughts that keep you from being heard. Or do you know you can give ...
Blind Date with A Salad Plate
By Monica Bastola · 11 months ago
I found myself perched on a table, awaiting my blind date. Five minutes past the hour, it became evident that my date was running late. I sympathized with the server, who diligently checked in every ...
Hope of a successful lifetime
By Tholu Davied · 11 months ago
The hope of creating a successful lifetime for self and generations after. About 8 years ago a young man of 24 years old had a paid employment and was doing well on his own, he ...
The Power of a Growth Mindset
By Ivan Cavric · 1 year ago
In the pursuit of success and self-improvement, the mindset we adopt plays a pivotal role in shaping our experiences and outcomes. The concept of a growth mindset, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, has garnered significant ...
The Power of Persistence, Determination, and Commitment: Unleashing Your True Potential
By Chamodya Ganegamage · 1 year ago
Introduction: In a world filled of obstacles and uncertainty, one characteristic distinguishes the victor from the defeated: unflinching persistence, determination, and dedication. These three characteristics are the key to realizing your full potential and attaining ...
Always Bring Your Swimsuit
By Connie Wilson · 1 year ago
Always Remember Your Swimsuit Even “normal” adult mother-daughter relationships are difficult to navigate. You know the “normal” that “they” speak of. The “normal” where there are no substance abuse/mental health issues. Where there’s healthy communication, ...
How to Become a Global Youth Ambassador
By Maria Bogomolova · 1 year ago
Picture this: you've just arrived in Kenya as a fully-funded delegate to the Global Peace Summit, organized by the Global Peace Chain. You're filled with excitement and anticipation as you look forward to meeting other ...
From Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence: A Blueprint to Self-Love
By Gary Austine · 1 year ago
Self-doubt can be crippling. It can prevent you from pursuing your passions, reaching your goals, and enjoying life to the fullest. But what if you could overcome self-doubt and develop self-confidence instead? That's where self-love ...
Your Value
By Srijana Gautam · 1 year ago
Your value is not decided by what you are made up of but how useful you are. For example, the food that you throw in a dustbin is just a waste but the food beautifully ...
The COVID-19 Impact on GLOBAL Mental Health & Education
By Bivash Chandra Panday · 1 year ago
The COVID-19 Impact on GLOBAL Mental Health & Education Good mental health and better education are the vital elements to make us peaceful human. However, according to the United Nations Policy briefing (2020, May 13), ...
By Stephane Dadjo · 1 year ago
Have you ever been stereotyped? Perhaps I should ask, have you ever stereotyped anyone? The number of limitations within stereotypical environments is groundbreaking. Did you know that a huge percentage of dysfunctional behaviors in individuals ...
Self Love
By Tessa Hankey · 1 year ago
Hello, welcome to today’s article on Self-Love. Personally, this is a subject that I really enjoy, allowing self-love in my life has helped me through some not so great moments. Accepting who I am, working ...
'Why do you hide from yourself?'
By Liora Scop · 1 year ago
‘Why are you hiding parts of yourself?’ The room suddenly becomes smaller, and my fingers involuntarily become preoccupied with the loose hair stuck to my shirt. I dive into the darkest aspects of myself as ...
By Olajide Makinde · 1 year ago
The fact that life is worth living does not still give a forever freedom that would not allow one to experience the negative side of life. We, sometimes, display the inward reactions which would have ...
A Guide to motivate yourself Monday through Sunday
By Evelyn Olson · 1 year ago
I found myself one day extremely tired, completely unmotivated, and feeling lost in my daily routine. Those around me congratulated me on hitting certain milestones I accomplished, and even with a big smile on my ...
107 Powerful Affirmations For Confidence
By Winnie Mat · 2 years ago
Confidence affirmations are statements that help build self-esteem. They are positive statements that help you feel good about yourself. You can use them to help yourself feel more positive about your abilities and your worth. ...