
Most 3 Things Men Do Want
By Khalif Gloria · 2 years ago
He Doesn't REALLY Want the Perfect Woman. He Wants These 3 Things from You Instead… How long do you spend attempting to be the sort of lady you think men need? In case you're similar ...
Anime Who Breaks Your Heart
By Reza Prama Arviandi · 4 years ago
The date is almost to April. I was remembered when I turn to a college student in the first year, I watch an anime which breathtaking my feelings. The anime was named by Shigatsu wa ...
Your Authentic Self: Love Who You Are Right Now
By Rita Louise · 4 years ago
Many of us live our lives on autopilot. We exist day to day programmed like an automaton and never consider the choices we have. We let our old habits dominate what we do and what ...
Best Tips for Getting Rid from Head lice in Sydney
By Andrew William · 4 years ago
A vermin present in the head isn't a real presence hanging disease. It can trouble and bother you. You can feel headaches. You can complete your obligation properly and can't rest to the extent that ...
To Create Change, You Have To Change
By Emma Viglucci · 4 years ago
I’m operating with a new mantra, Keep clearing. Doing another round of letting go of the old (like possessions, processes, ways of thinking…), and I’m seriously embracing the concept of entering a New Era… Feeling ...
Tired Of Fighting Without Resolution?
By Emma Viglucci · 4 years ago
So many of our "big projects" are coming to gorgeous fruition. Life indeed is Grand! How about you? What accomplishment or deliciousness are you celebrating from this year? Nothing is irrelevant, a given or expectation. ...
3 Steps To Building Connection Habits™
By Emma Viglucci · 4 years ago
We are at after the initial hustle and bustle of getting to back2school/business, and the accompanying anxiety, stress and overwhelm. We are at a time where the new routine starts to feel like second nature ...
Enhance Your Life With Better Boundaries!
By Emma Viglucci · 4 years ago
Piggybacking on last week’s issue about letting go, deconstructing, and continuing to streamline. No such venture is done well without setting proper effective boundaries… It’s funny, whenever I cover this topic with clients or in ...
Need Fathering In Your Life?
By Emma Viglucci · 5 years ago
As we already started diving into in last week’s issue, Fathering is a very important concept in our life. From "fathering" comes discipline, the self-discipline we need to really succeed at our life. How disciplined ...
How Did 8 Simple daily habits give you a happier life
By Sarah Donalds · 5 years ago
In the daily routine in which a person lives, it is necessary to create happiness by doing some activities. A set of simple everyday habits that can reduce stress and give you a happier life, ...
This is why trying to be happy actually will backfire.
By Rasmus Persson · 6 years ago
This is why trying to be happy actually will backfire. The materialistic search for happiness In June of 1997. A man named Billie Jarrell walked into the local food store. He wanted to buy a ...
How to Have a Stress-Less Holiday! 5 Tips to Survive & Thrive This Holiday Season
By Karyn Buxman · 6 years ago
"Tis the season to be jolly," but if you're like a lot of folks this year, "Bah humbug" may describe your feelings more accurately. Let's be honest: For many of you the holiday season equals ...
Nice Chinese guys win hearts in the interracial relationships
By Anna Reco · 6 years ago
The story of Anna and Fei Fei and I met in Brisbane, Australia; I was born here but was traveling to China frequently, and he had already lived in Brisbane for over 10 years. It ...
7 Simple Hints to Manage Your Stress Level
By Kevin Nelson · 7 years ago
7 Simple Hints to Manage Your Stress Level Adult life seems to be full of fun and unlimited possibilities. You can go wherever you want, do whatever you want, and never think about consequences. But ...
Winning Through Defeat: Eleven Commandments for Elections Losers
By Vincent Womujuni · 7 years ago
Many countries, developed or underdeveloped, have struggled to solve the problem of electoral malpractice for decades. The situation has been worsened by the advancement of technology in which computer hackers can manipulate the voting machines ...
Bluebirds Bring Hope
By Gregory Gongaware · 7 years ago
Prior to meeting and marrying Kathleen, the decade before had been a most challenging period for her. It was one of those tough stretches many of us face over the course of our lives. Kathleen ...
Grati-texts & Grati-tweets - From High Tech to High Touch
By Karyn Buxman · 7 years ago
My alarm clock didn't go off. Someone had already used up all the hot water before I could take my shower. We'd run out of coffee (gasp!). And to top it all off... my "fat ...
Attitude of Gratitude: 5 Facts to Be Grateful For
By Debbie Toomey · 9 years ago
Has your fast paced life and heavy workload kept you from enjoying what's around you? When was the last time you had a good night sleep without having to take anything for it? Do you ...
Reaching Inner Peace Through Inspirational Books and Quotes
By Nada Ljubinovic · 11 years ago
Most of us seek peace, happiness , harmony and sanctuary in our lives. Unfortunately there are those days when it appears that nothing seems to be going right and that happiness is nowhere to be ...
Discover 5 Great Ways To Take Back Your Life
By Kevin H. · 11 years ago
What does Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and positive thinking have to do with one another? Many people that suffer from ADD often develop negative patterns in their thinking process. They might also get frustrated more ...