
Do You Need Approval?
By Ruti Yudovich · 11 years ago
"No matter who you are or what you did; there will always be somebody who will not approve of you. So don’t try to live your life trying to please everybody." As babies we want ...
A Moment of Gratitude..
By Rachel Matrejek · 11 years ago
A Moment of Gratitude…. During this busy time of year, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle bustle of meal planning, gift buying, and travel plans. ‘Black Friday’ sales begin earlier than ever ...
Finding Your Passion
By Linda Cattelan · 12 years ago
A really good friend of mine is always saying "when you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life". It’s a mantra and quote that has stuck with me ...
Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man
By Tanisha Adjokatcher · 12 years ago
First off this movie is a must go see. Steve Harvey has out done himself with this. The characters are the bomb in this movie. This movie has something to offer all audience of people! ...
Living Your Life In Forward Motion!
By Edward Lewellen · 12 years ago
Living Your Life in Forward Motion By Dr. Edward Lewellen If you were to rate yourself on how happy and fulfilling your life is right now on a scale of 1-10, with "1" being not ...
How to build self confidence - 5 easy tips
By Tim Lumsden · 12 years ago
To build self confidence you must be true to yourself. No one can give you self confidence. Confidence is an internal gratification, of which only you can award. Here are five ways you can build ...
Meditation – Starting the Right Place
By Jessica Tanner · 12 years ago
Meditation – Starting the Right Place Do you wish to start to meditate and improve your health and find your spirituality? There are a number of great reasons why to practice meditation, and when you ...
Mindfulness – Guided Technique
By Jessica Tanner · 12 years ago
Mindfulness – Guided Technique Mindful meditation is all about being mindful and being present. In our life, we frequently function on autopilot, which means that we are hiding inside our own thoughts and then not ...
Winter Blues Can Feel Like You're Stuck In A Month Of Wednesdays
By Elizabeth Tobin · 12 years ago
For some people February can feel like a month of Wednesdays. We’re right smack in the middle of winter and now we’ve got to endure this month-long hump day before we slide into March with ...
How to be Happy and Stress-Free All The Time
By Kurt Arrow · 12 years ago
Happiness is right here, right now. You are inherently unconditionally happy and stress-free. You don’t have to achieve it. It’s there all the time. It’s the TRUE YOU. If you’re like most people, you’re always ...
Be Happy By Dealing With Your True Feelings
By Kari Farmer · 12 years ago
I think it's important to deal with how you really feel at all times, and to admit that feeling. If you don't do this then you don't know whether or not you need to fix ...
It’s Your Right to Be Happy
By Kari Farmer · 12 years ago
Are you unhappy? I firmly believe that everyone is this life has a right to be happy! Everyone should be able to look back on this life and be happy with what they did and ...
How to Be Happy With What You Have in Life
By Kari Farmer · 12 years ago
What will it take for you to be happy in life? Will it take success, lots of money, and that car you have been wanting? What will it take to really allow you to just ...
10 Ways to Be Happy Now
By Kari Farmer · 12 years ago
When you find it hard to be happy it can be downright - well, depressing. Nobody likes to be unhappy and feel down and no one wants to get stuck in that feeling for a ...
Let Your Mission Guide You
By Jackie Woodside · 12 years ago
People tell me all the time how inspired they are by my mission statement. For those of you who don't remember my mission statement, or who perhaps have never heard it before, it is this: ...
Letting Go of Everything That Is Not You
By Roseanna Leaton · 12 years ago
Human beings are prone to feelings of uncertainty from time to time. Some of us experience these qualms only occasionally whilst for others it is an almost perpetual state. If you fall within the latter ...
By Cheryl Hitchcock · 12 years ago
It's an issue that crops up for people at every stage of life and can be improved for anyone, regardless of age. It is called our self esteem and can take a battering without warning. ...
Positive Thinking - Can the Way You Think Affect Your Health Physically?
By Suzanne Glover · 12 years ago
Positive thinking sometimes can be perceived as a lot of "fluff," but science has been able to prove that there's more to it than just the "placebo effect." In fact, this article answers the question, ...
Chinese Astrology & Feng Shui – Water Dragon Year 2012
By Alvin Yap · 12 years ago
Come 4th February 2012, the Chinese will usher in the solar New Year of the Water Dragon. It heralds the arrival of Li Chun or spring in the Chinese solar calendar. In Chinese metaphysics, the ...
Just Think Happy Thoughts!
By Bob Makransky · 12 years ago
Whenever I hear some spiritual guru proclaim that all you gotta do is "just think happy thoughts!", it makes me want to pop him one upside the head and see how long he can keep ...