Author's articles

Overcoming Social Anxiety In 3 Easy Steps
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Overcoming social anxiety is a big step in every person’s life. It’s not something that happens overnight, but it’s not something that will take forever to happen either. The time it takes will greatly depend ...
How To Stay Motivated In Life: 5 Motivational Tips That Work Like A Charm
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Learning how to stay motivated in life is very important. After all, without motivation, you’ll find yourself missing a certain something. You’ll be unable to make the most of your potential and you’ll find no ...
How Do You Get A Girl To Like You? The Answer Revealed!
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
So how do you get a girl to like you? Contrary to popular belief, you cannot accomplish your aim by throwing stuff at her and calling her names. That is just too elementary for a ...
How Do You Get A Guy To Like You? 3 Simple Tips To Attract A Man
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
How do you get a guy to like you? Easy! There’s no need for you to have a complete personality or physical overhaul! You’re going to achieve this by simply enhancing what you already have. ...
How To Get Someone You Love Back: 3 Great Tips To Get Your Loved One Back In No Time
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Want to know how to get someone you love back? Then this article could help you. But first, let’s talk about relationships… Relationships are tricky. Sometimes, you say or do something that you don’t really ...
Personal Goal Setting Tips: 3 Powerful Ways To Set And Achieve Your Goals
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Everybody knows the importance of personal goal setting. It basically drives you to do well in life, gives you direction, and most of the time, helps you become a better person. In fact, kids who ...
Can Money Buy Happiness? The Answer Revealed!
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Can money buy happiness? Isn’t that the question of the century? Money and happiness have often been pitted against each other. The popular belief, as evidenced by the number of children’s stories with such a ...
How To Get Someone To Like You: 3 Remarkable Tips To Become More Likeable
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
If you want to learn how to get someone to like you, then you have chosen no better time to be curious. There's no time like the present to learn techniques which can help you ...
How To Motivate Your Employees Without Money: 3 Employee Motivation Techniques That Work Like Magic
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Now that we have an economic crisis looming above our heads, learning how to motivate your employees without money becomes more important than ever. Doing this can help you improve the overall performance of your ...
How To Get Out Of A Bad Relationship In 3 Simple Steps
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Lucky are those who are happy and content with their personal relationships. But for those who want to know how to get out of a bad relationship, you’ve come to the right place. In this ...
How to Make Someone Like You A Lot In 3 Simple Steps
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Learning how to make someone like you a lot is easy as pie, if you know where to start. And while there are probably a lot of notice-me-quick guides out there that will tell you ...
Wealth Building Tips And Tools To Attain More Money Than You’ll Ever Need
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Everyone wants to acquire riches, but many don’t know how. If you’re clueless on where to start or what to do, that ends now. This article reveals wealth building tips and tools for anyone who's ...
NLP Techniques For Anxiety: 3 Amazing Ways To Manage Anxiety Using NLP
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Having the power of NLP (short for Neuro-linguistic Programming) can come quite in handy, especially on days when you feel anxious or burdened. To address this particular situation, you can turn to NLP techniques for ...
Mood Enhancers For Depression: 5 Natural Ways To Enhance Your Mood Without Risky Medication
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Some people get depressed more easily than others. These people find themselves easily swayed by negative emotions, sad music or even melancholic art. However, there are mood enhancers for depression that can help improve a ...
Wealth Creation Strategies That Put You On The Fast Track To Unlimited Wealth
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
So you want to be wealthy... Who doesn't? Most people dream of having millions of dollars at their disposal, having top-of-the-line cars and gadgets, or eating at first class restaurants. But not everybody can actually ...
Setting Goals And Objectives: 3 Awesome Tips To Set Goals And Objectives The Right Way
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Why is setting goals and objectives so important? Why do individuals and companies alike take it so seriously? The truth is, much of whether you'll succeed or fail in life depends on how well you ...
Psychological Manipulation Techniques: 3 Awful Things People Do To Manipulate Others
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
In this day and age, battles are not only waged on a battlefield. They are also waged inside your mind. Through psychological manipulation techniques, your enemies can actually assert some sort of control over you. ...
How To Tell If Someone Is Attracted To You: 3 Ways To Know If Someone Likes You
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Want to know how to tell if someone is attracted to you? Sure! That way, you can either reciprocate that person's feelings or distance yourself altogether. It's also a pretty good way to boost your ...
Happiness Quotes From Famous People: 3 Quotes That Can Enhance Your Happiness
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
A lot of people dream to be famous. And many famous people dream to be happy. But there are certain individuals who are not only famous but happy as well. Truly a rare combination, these ...
Albert Einstein Quotes: How These 3 Albert Einstein Quotes Can Accelerate Your Success
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Albert Einstein has always been viewed as an eccentric. However, his personal oddities did not, in any way, undermine his brilliance. Despite the way he looked, he is considered one of the most groundbreaking scientists ...