Author's articles

What Makes A Great Leader: 10 Vital Traits Of A Great Leader
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Over the years, many people have talked and written about what makes a great leader. They have derived examples from some of the greatest public and private figures in both the past and the present. ...
Personal Goal Setting Techniques: 3 Simple Tips To Achieve Your Goals In No Time Flat
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Everyone has a goal or two that they would like to achieve. These goals may be short term or long term. Unfortunately, not all of these goals are easily fulfilled. More often than not, people ...
Dealing With Stubborn People: 3 Proven Ways To Handle Stubborn People
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
There are many types of people in the world. Unfortunately, the stubborn ones always seem to make up a major portion of the population. Such is the way of life. However, that doesn’t spell the ...
How To Overcome Fear Of Failure In 3 Easy Steps
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
Nobody likes the idea of failing. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to overcome their fear of failure. These people find themselves trapped between in some sort of limbo, unable to go full speed ahead because ...
How To Tell If a Shy Girl Likes You Or Not By Reading Body Language Signs
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
The thing with girls is that you can never always tell whether they like you or not. This is most especially true when you’re dealing with shy girls. Shy girls don’t really express themselves clearly ...
The Art Of Persuasion And Negotiation: 3 Useful Tips To Get What You Want From People
By Michael Lee · 14 years ago
The art of persuasion and negotiation is a much-coveted skill. For hundreds of years, humankind has been using these skills to survive. The ancient Greeks negotiated with their neighboring lands all the time. Leaders of ...
What Do Men Find Most Attractive In Women? The Answers Revealed
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
What do men find most attractive in women? That is the quintessential question, right? What is it about the opposite sex that attracts men like bees to honey? If you’re a woman, you might find ...
Ways To Motivate Employees: 3 Employee Motivation Techniques That Are Proven To Work
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
Want to know the most effective ways to motivate employees? This article reveals some of the most powerful employee motivation techniques that have been proven to work for reputable companies. But first, why motivate? Well, ...
Signs A Shy Guy Likes You: 3 Ways To Tell If A Shy Guy Is Attracted To You
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
Some guys make it easy for women to understand their feelings. But there are others whom you always find confusing. I’m talking about a rather large population of shy men in the world. What are ...
Signs She Likes You: How To Tell If A Girl Likes You
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
A lot of guys have trouble interpreting the signs of female attraction. It’s almost like they speak another language. For married men, they at least know that their spouses have some sort of affection for ...
How To Become A Happy Person: 3 Amazing Ways To Fill Your Life With Happiness
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
Happiness is a state of mind. Although certain circumstances can’t help but affect you, the decision to laugh or cry remains yours to be made. So instead of drowning in sorrow, why not teach yourself ...
Sales Negotiation Skills: 3 Crucial Sales Negotiation Skills That Could Explode Your Income
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
To be a good salesperson or marketer, you will need to master different sales negotiation skills. These skills serve as your weapons against other negotiators and difficult customers. You’ll need them to land today’s sales ...
Early Pregnancy Tiredness: Causes And Solutions To Early Pregnancy Tiredness
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
Early pregnancy tiredness is natural for any woman who is expecting. Although it poses an inconvenience, there’s usually nothing to worry about. After all, your body is undergoing some huge changes. We’re not talking about ...
Conversational Hypnosis: How To Use Conversational Hypnosis Techniques To Get A Raise
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
It’s amazing how easy it is for some people to grasp the concepts of conversational hypnosis techniques so quickly. And I’m not just talking about adults. Children are also beginning to understand how to make ...
Foods that Make You Sleepy: Are You Eating These Foods That Put You To Sleep?
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
You know you didn’t stay out late last night and you even managed a full eight hours of sleep. So why are you yawning like you pulled an all-nighter? Although lack of sleep has often ...
End Tiredness Program Review: Is There A Missing Link?
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
Many people are raving about the End Tiredness Program (by Peter Novak and Tina Hagen) as the ultimate resource to stop your tiredness. Well, I finally got the course and read the whole thing, just ...
Things That Turn A Guy On: 3 Hot Ways To Attract Any Guy
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
Want to discover the things that turn a guy on? Read on… Girls put a lot of work into looking good for men. They pore over magazines, shop for hours for that perfect date dress, ...
Keys To Success In Life: 3 Powerful Ways To Succeed In Life
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
The keys to success in life lie in the kind of values you have. Are you an honest sort of person? Do you tell the truth or do you make up stories whenever you think ...
Ways To Tell A Guy Likes You: 5 Reliable Signs Of Male Attraction
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
Listen up, girls! You don’t have to waste precious time biting your fingernails or converging with your friends to figure out whether a guy is interested in you or not. There are ways to tell ...
What Makes People Happy? 5 Important Factors That Bring Happiness
By Michael Lee · 15 years ago
Different people have different opinions on what makes people happy. Some would say it’s getting a raise. Others would say it’s having a wonderful and meaningful life. There have even been quite a few who ...