Author's articles

Male Midlife Crisis
By Fred Horowitz · 13 years ago
Male midlife crisis, or rather what Happiness After Midlife prefers to call male midlife transition manifests itself via many symptoms such as becoming easily angered, becoming frustrated, feelings of anxiety, and a lot of hypersensitivity. ...
Midlife Career Change
By Fred Horowitz · 13 years ago
A midlife career change can be very good for you. It can breathe fresh air into what you may consider a stale life and give you the boost you are looking for. Many midlifers feel ...
Midlife Crisis Symptoms
By Fred Horowitz · 13 years ago
The age at which midlife crisis symptoms ensue varies from one individual to the next, although the average age was discovered to be 46 in men and women. However, the length of time when midlife ...