Author's articles

FAQ: Internet & phone
By Alan Spencer · 13 years ago
What’s the main reason? Money, of course! Internet & phone is a convenient package that offers a phone connection and an ADSL connection to get online. Instead of paying two bills (one to use your ...
Clash of the Titans: Interactive TV vs Regular TV
By Alan Spencer · 13 years ago
Quality on screen Interactive tv is a form of digital tv and that means nothing more than razor sharp images and lots of eye for detail. A regular tv is analogue and that results in ...
The difference between ADSL & Cable
By Alan Spencer · 13 years ago
Through the phone line Although most people don’t even use their home phone anymore (cell phone, anyone?), the line that makes that connection is the main difference between ADSL and cable internet. ADSL enters your ...
Size does matter: Nokia N97 Mini
By Alan Spencer · 13 years ago
The Nokia N97 Mini is the little brother of the successful Nokia N97. Why change something that works well? Size doesn’t matter, right? Let’s find out if bigger really is better. Easy to use For ...
Ten reasons why interactive tv is a must
By Alan Spencer · 13 years ago
Interactive tv does exactly what you want. Discover in ten steps wy you should choose interactive tv. Not as complicated as it seems Interactive tv? Sounds complicated but really it isn’t. Interactive tv is a ...
Watch out when you get an internet subscription
By Alan Spencer · 13 years ago
Every provider offers different deals with their internet subscriptions. Make sure you make the right choice and make sure you pay attention while doing so. Come prepared It’s definitely a must to do some decent ...
The future of television: HD TV
By Alan Spencer · 13 years ago
‘Also available in HD.’ A well known message for people who watch digital tv. Sharp quality that can be even sharper. Because what exactly is HD TV and why is it so cool? What is ...