Author's articles

Improve your THINKING and become a smart-thinker
By Steve Champion · 1 year ago
Improve your THINKING and become a smart-thinker The problem Today people generally take the path of least resistance and unwittingly let others do their thinking for them, and this includes organizations and governments as well ...
The importance of Personal, Positive Political Power
By Stephen Champion · 1 year ago
The importance of Personal, Positive Political Power Introduction This article is about the importance of personal, positive political power for individuals and their organizations. The pendulum is swinging away from position or formal power, making ...
Improving personal performance at work
By Stephen R Champion · 1 year ago
Improving personal performance at work This article aims to help you improve your performance at work because being effective is essential, especially in today's economic environment. The only way to secure your present position and ...
Alpha Performance What it is and why it’s important
By Stephen Champion · 1 year ago
Alpha Performance What it is and why it’s important Introduction It takes something more durable than the optimism of youth or stoic resolve to establish and then advance one’s career. And in today’s fast-paced and ...