Author's articles

Things to Consider Before Getting a Dog for the First Time
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
Are you thinking about getting a dog for the first time? If so, then hopefully you have thought the decision through thoroughly. There are a few things that you may not have considered yet. Keep ...
Tips for Litter Box Training a Dog
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
Smaller dogs obviously have smaller bladders. That means that they have to go outside more often than their larger counterparts. One way to avoid frequent trips outside is to teach your small dog how to ...
Helpful Advice on Caring for Senior Cats
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
Sooner or later, your beloved cat will start to get old and experience physical changes. This typically occurs between the ages of seven and ten. However, some are fortunate enough to stave off major changes ...
Pet Health - Information Regarding Cat Enteritis
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
Enteritis in cats is a very serious disease. It's often referred to as distemper, which is a disease that dogs commonly get. However, feline enteritis isn't the same. A common other name for the condition ...
The Truth About Cat Endocrine Alopecia
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
There are many reasons why cats can experience problems with hair loss. A relatively rare reason for this to occur is because of feline endocrine alopecia. Vets don't exactly know why this rare skin condition ...
Information About Chlamydia in Cats
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
Both bacteria and viruses can cause conjunctivitis in cats. This condition is known as pink eye, the same thing that can affect dogs, humans, and other animals. Feline chlamydia results from a bacterial infection. Cats ...
Dog Urine Killing Your Grass? Read This
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
You definitely don't want your dog using the bathroom inside your home. That's why owners readily take them outside when they see signs that it's time for Fido to go. Some will become dismayed at ...
Seven Common Household Items That are Poisonous to Dogs
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
There are many different items that can be found in virtually every household. Dog owners need to pay particular attention to some of these items since they can poison their pets. The following is a ...
Pregnant Women Commonly Suffer Yeast Infections
By Darrin Swain · 12 years ago
There are many reasons why people develop yeast infections. If you happen to be taking antibiotics to treat a medical condition, then you will definitely have an increased risk. Having an elevated blood sugar level ...
How to Deal With Frequent Yeast Infections
By Darrin Swain · 11 years ago
Virtually every woman will experience at least one yeast infection during her lifetime. However, many women have to deal with them on a repeated basis which is certainly no fun. If you deal with repeated ...
What Owners Need to Know About Dog Acne
By Darrin Swain · 12 years ago
Dogs can easily develop acne. In fact, many dogs have been known to suffer from this condition. In most cases, your dog will only develop a mild case of acne, but it is possible for ...
The Truth Regarding Liver Disease in Dogs
By Darrin Swain · 12 years ago
The liver is responsible for performing various functions. Your dog will experience many different health problems if it isn't working correctly. Canine liver disease is one of the top five leading causes of death in ...
The Truth Regarding Dog Hypothyroidism
By Darrin Swain · 12 years ago
The thyroid is a gland found in your dog's neck. The metabolic rate is controlled by the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs when the metabolism drops significantly due to the fact that ...
Everything Owner's Need to Know About Distemper in Dogs
By Darrin Swain · 12 years ago
Many body systems can be affected by the viral disease known as distemper. The gastrointestinal, respiratory, and central nervous systems of your dog can be affected. Young puppies are particularly affected by this disease which ...
All you Need to Know Regarding Canine Cystitis
By Darrin Swain · 12 years ago
This is a condition that occurs when the lining of your dog's who bladder becomes inflamed. It is a very common condition which is usually caused by a bacterial infection. The urethra is usually the ...
Safety Tips For Dealing With an Aggressive Iguana
By Darrin Swain · 15 years ago
Hostile iguanas can cause very serious harm to you. It's important that you're always cautious around these large lizards. Even those can are normally tame can turn on you in an instant. This article will ...
Expert Tips For Iguana Proofing Your Home
By Darrin Swain · 15 years ago
Iguanas are very curious and can cause a lot of damage to your home or themselves if let roam around unattended. If you want your iguana and house to remain in one piece, you will ...
Newbie's Guide to Choosing Iguana Pets
By Darrin Swain · 15 years ago
Iguanas are one of the most common exotic pets. If you're considering getting one of these lizards, you should know a few things beforehand. Here are a few things you need to consider when buying ...
Expert Tips For Trimming Your Iguana's Claws
By Darrin Swain · 15 years ago
In the wild, iguanas need sharp claws to climb trees. However, you'll probably want to cut them off so you don't have to worry about them hurting you. Most owners do this at least once ...
Things to Consider Before You Buy a Pet Iguana
By Darrin Swain · 15 years ago
Many people buy iguanas on a whim before knowing what proper care really entails. Iguanas require very special care. There are many things you need to consider before you make the decision to buy a ...