College & University

Exploring Power Dynamics in University Housing: A Sociolinguistic Study at the University of Stirling
By Sneha Mukherjee · 3 weeks ago
Exploring Power Dynamics in University Housing: A Sociolinguistic Study at the University of Stirling Abstract This study dives into how language is used within the University of Stirling’s housing Occupancy Agreement and emails to subtly ...
4 Common Mistakes That DNP Students Make When Writing the Literature Review Section
By Prof Bayer · 1 month ago
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project is a rigorous undertaking, and the literature review sits squarely at its core. It establishes the foundation for your research by demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of existing knowledge ...
Enhancing English Proficiency at Yessenov University through Literature
By Ulzhan Anarbekova · 1 month ago
Teaching English as a foreign language is both an interesting and challenging process. Among the various methods and techniques, teaching English through literature stands out as one of the most effective. Since literature provides authentic ...
By Fiattor Alfreda Ewoenam · 1 month ago
Bullying has now become a norm worldwide, most especially in secondary schools and colleges. Can you imagine your brother or sister being bullied in school? Well, this is the case in almost all secondary schools ...
The Importance of Community Services Courses
By Sheikh Sojib · 1 month ago
Building Strong Communities through Education Community services play a pivotal role in fostering strong and thriving communities. These programs and initiatives aim to address the needs of individuals and groups, promoting social well-being and inclusivity. ...
Unveiling the Dual Nature of Energy: From Creation to Neutralization
By Md Mehedi Hasan Hridoy · 2 months ago
Title: Unveiling the Cosmic Symphony: Exploring the Interplay of Matter, Antimatter, and Energy in Modern Physics --- **Abstract:** In this article, we embark on a journey through the intricacies of modern physics, delving into the ...
HOMO AESTIMARIS: A Dualistic Model of Human Evolution
By Robert Depaolo · 2 months ago
by Robert DePaolo Abstract This article presents a speculative model of human evolution based on a sequence of events and conditions that caused mutations and various developmental features, leading to the unique anatomical, linguistic and ...
The Rising Value of a Superior Degree in Brazil Today
By Renata Oliveira · 2 months ago
Brazil's economy and job market have undergone significant transformations in recent years, driving an increasing demand for highly skilled and educated professionals. Amidst this evolving landscape, obtaining a superior degree – a step beyond undergraduate ...
The Science (and Mystery) of Free Will: With Implications for Determinism, Morality and Law
By Robert Depaolo · 4 months ago
Abstract This article discusses free will in the context of brain function and in particular, the internal language faculties discussed by Alexander Luria and others. The point is made that there is a middle ground ...
The Mystery of Gravity: An Exercise of the Imagination
By Robert Depaolo · 4 months ago
Abstract This article discusses confusing aspects of the gravitational force, in particular how it can exert its influence when celestial bodies- supposedly attracted to one another according to Newtonian mathematics and Einstein's "warped fabric of ...
The Jewish Lobby
By Jim Bracco · 6 months ago
The Jewish Lobby List of worldwide nongovernmental Jewish political organizations The Jewish organizations listed here are political organizations devoted to Jewish political concerns, the leaders of which make up the Jewish Lobby, influencing the politics ...
Is college worth it?
By Makenna Locklin · 7 months ago
An educated mind is vital for the future of our society. A college education is extremely important. College is an investment in one’s future, it allows for better career opportunities, and it provides room for ...
Biology in the Bible: Evolution in the Garden of Eden
By Robert Depaolo · 8 months ago
Abstract by Robert DePaolo This article discusses sociobiological phenomena that influenced the times in which the Old Testament was written. The idea is put forth that there is a central theme inherent in the scriptures ...
From Hand to Mouth: The Happenstance of Human Language Origins
By Robert Depaolo · 9 months ago
Abstract This article discusses the origin of human language in terms of the happenstance mechanisms of natural selection - not as a capacity that evolved "in order to" enhance human communication and/or aid in survival ...
Uncovering Social Engineering: Shielding Your Digital Strongholds
By Mahra Alkaabi · 9 months ago
In today's world of interconnectedness, where the lines between the real and the virtual blur all too often, manipulation has found a fresh canvas: the internet. Social engineering, a sneaky psychological trickery employed by some ...
Pitfalls in IELTS exams
By Akumbobe Adombire Robert · 9 months ago
Examination forms an integral part of any educational system in the world. It is usually used as a way of measuring an individual's strength when it comes to the attainment of skills, knowledge, understanding or ...
Study of Bacterial Mastitis in Dairy Cattle of Pokhara Valley, Kaski Nepal.
By Ganga Sagar Bhattarai · 10 months ago
INTRODUCTION An inflammation of the mammary gland is commonly referred as Mastitis, which is primarily occurs in response to intra-mammary bacterial infection, but also to intra-mammary mycoplasma, fungal, or algal infections. Mechanical trauma, thermal trauma, ...
What is the best college counseling service for Ivy League schools?
By The Ivy Institute · 11 months ago
Starting on the path toward Ivy League schools is a pursuit of distinction, a dream shared by countless students seeking a place among the world's most esteemed educational institutions. However, this journey is not for ...
Are college admissions coaches worth it?
By The Ivy Institute · 11 months ago
Navigating the transition from high school to college has evolved into a complex and high-stakes journey, requiring students and families to make critical decisions that can shape their academic and professional futures. Amidst this sea ...
How do I choose a college admissions counselor? — The Ivy Institute
By The Ivy Institute · 11 months ago
In the dynamic field of higher education, the college admissions process has evolved into a complex puzzle with high stakes. Among the myriad choices faced by students and families on this journey, the decision to ...