
Will Learning English Ever Rule the World?
By Rayene Meghriche · 2 days ago
English is the lingua franca of business, science, technology, literature, media, diplomacy, and politics. It serves as the primary language of communication for billions of people worldwide. But how did this happen, and how will ...
The Epistemological Crisis: How Social Media and Wicked Problems Impact Civil Discourse
By Sneha Mukherjee · 3 weeks ago
I stumbled upon this article on the website "Language on the Move" by Fred D'Agostino, and its title, "Wicked Problems and Social Media Echo Chambers: The Epistemological Crisis," immediately caught my attention. The reason for ...
The term "victim" and approximation of meaning in Romance languages
By Ifrim Angela · 1 month ago
The term "victim" is increasingly present in our lives. Unfortunately, there are more and more victims, whether we refer to people, animals or inanimate objects. The existence of a victim is a consequence of violence. ...
The Detrimental Impact of the Grammar Translation Method on Developing Speaking Skills
By Muhammad Farihin · 3 months ago
Language acquisition is a multifaceted process, comprising various skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Among these, speaking is often considered the most challenging skill to develop, especially for learners in a second language ...
Crossing Borders: Studying in Japan for Bangladeshi Scholars
By Sohel Rana · 7 months ago
Introduction Japan, a nation renowned for its technological advancements, cultural richness, and academic excellence, has become an increasingly popular destination for Bangladeshi students seeking to broaden their horizons and pursue higher education. With its world-class ...
The Most Beautiful Word in the English Language
By Christa Dor · 9 months ago
No, it’s not “galactic”, or “panacea”, and definitely not “serendipity”. Hint: This word is not a mouthful and does not bury its meaning deep in the dictionary. It's an ideal attitude, it's a term of ...
Transforming Language Education: Embracing the Potential of Random Task Generators
By Alexander Popov · 11 months ago
The use of traditional textbooks in language learning is becoming less effective and relevant due to the rapidly evolving landscape of education. Learners and educators alike are recognizing the limitations of structured lessons and are ...
Litguide: The Best Solution for Helping Ontario Students Pass the OSSLT
By David Ross · 1 year ago
Toronto, Ontario — Standardized tests are often considered adequate for measuring a student’s academic performance and potential. However, for students who are English language learners or have learning disabilities, these tests can be a significant ...
Applying CLIL methodology in the English classes in Brazil.
By Vanessa Casatti Veiga · 1 year ago
Abstract: In terms of encouraging those students who don´t like English, it is most important to have intensive hours at each level as four hours per week. We must remember that working in a country, ...
Do not study spoken English, just experience it.
By Lana Gogotishvili · 1 year ago
Every day starts the same way: ,,I know English words and grammar, but I can't speak it, that's what the majority of my contacts say. I am sure that 99% of the readers of this ...
11 Essential Tips For Learning Spanish
By Daniel Brain · 3 years ago
Spanish is the third most used language on the internet. It is the second most spoken language in the world. Almost 437 million people speak in native Spanish. 33 countries use Spanish as their official ...
How to Learn Japanese With Manga: 5 Books for Beginners
By Limarc Ambalina · 4 years ago
Learning Japanese can be tough, but doing it in a fun way that aligns with your passions, can make it a fun and enjoyable experience. Previously, we released an article about using video games to ...
Kinyarwanda as a Language of the African Nation
By Ralph Jonathan · 4 years ago
The start from the introduction to the Kinyarwanda language. Kinyarwanda, called Urufumbira in Kisoro, Uganda, is a political candidate language of African nation and a vernacular of the African nation-Rundi language spoken by, at any ...
First Africa International Translation Conference
By Ralph Jonathan · 4 years ago
About 100 expert interpreters, translators, language administrations suppliers, consultants, and understudies from 19 nations all assembled at the Azure Hotel, in Nairobi on February 18th and 19th for the first Africa International Translation Conference. We ...
The History of Arabic Typography – Fonts & Designs
By Anu Subedi · 4 years ago
Talking about Font, we do have lots of font choices. And do you know? The most used and popular font in the world is Helvetica. Being the official language of more than 20 nations, Arabic ...
NAATI CCL Test Dates 2019
By Anu Pradhan · 4 years ago
NAATI has published CCL test dates for the year 2019 and the CCL Test will be conducted on following dates: 08-12 FEBRUARY 2019. 08-12 APRIL 2019. 17-21 JUNE 2019. 21-22 AUGUST 2019. 14-17 OCTOBER 2019. ...
Why We Learn Indonesian
By Lina Adi · 4 years ago
There are many good reasons why you should learn Indonesian language. If you plan to stay in Indonesia for some time, or plan to do business here, or simply want to have some vacation here, ...
Wildlife will live to fight another Day
By Ralph Jonathan · 5 years ago
Wildlife refers to the flora and fauna that a given country poses. These include both mammals and species of birds. Countries like Uganda have got over 364 bird spices and 364 mammal spices that are ...
The Most Common Mistakes In English Grammar That Non-Native Speakers Make
By Olivia Baum · 5 years ago
Studying English might be not an easy task if you weren't born in an English speaking country. Especially, if your native tongue doesn't belong to the West Germanic language group. In this article, we have ...
How Languages Shape The Way We Think
By Kaleela Arabic · 5 years ago
Have you ever asked yourself, "Why do I think the way I do?" Of course, some obvious responses would include your upbringing, your culture and social interactions, and your education, among others. However, did you ...