
The Significance of Translation Services to Humanity
By Ralph Jonathan · 5 years ago
The word humanity comes from a Latin word HUMANITAS. Humanitas means "human nature, kindness". This encompasses everyone on earth {you and me}. It comprises of qualities that make me and you human. These include the ...
Interest in the Italian language is growing worldwide
By Alessandro Adorno · 5 years ago
The language of the Bel Paese is the fourth most studied in the world. American students who come to study Italian in Italy to acquire academic credits also increase. Italian is the fourth most studied ...
The Top Simple Secrets of Learning a New Language Quickly
By Ralph Jonathan · 5 years ago
Did you know that it’s easy to be multilingual in this day and age? According to language experts any person determined to learn a new language can do so much easier than most people think. ...
How to choose a qualified Chinese traditional translator
By Xuenian Chen · 5 years ago
With the continuous rise of China's comprehensive strength, various types of Chinese language are becoming more and more important. Chinese Traditional is one of the most popular forms of Chinese language. If some of your ...
Why Translation Services Are Important for Business Success
By Ralph Jonathan · 5 years ago
One would wonder how crucial language translation is important in achieving business success. This normally holds for startup enterprises operating in a new business ecosystem. Join us as we delve more into how language translation ...
Two Languages That Require No Translation Services
By Ralph Jonathan · 5 years ago
There's a political whirlwind sweeping perilously through the land. It began in Arua Municipality during the parliamentary by-election there after frenzied fans of an opposition candidate allegedly threw stones at the presidential motorcade. The president's ...
How does culture affect the quality of translation?
By Henry Ogwang · 5 years ago
Culture is the way of life of the particular society. Since culture gives birth to language, its clear that translation and culture go hand in hand. This means that culture affects both target and source ...
Time to Learn Another Major Language or Two!
By Ralph Jonathan · 5 years ago
On Sunday, the 2018 Fifa World Cup in Russia reached a grand finale with France hoisting the coveted gold trophy after beating Croatia 4-2. And soon the new season of the English Premier League will ...
Could Malagasy Be Africa’s Most Interesting Language?
By Ralph Jonathan · 5 years ago
Not many people actually know what Malagasy is, so it helps to start with the basics. Malagasy is the native language of Madagascar, spoken by around 18 million people in that beautiful island country located ...
Why Translators Are Indispensable
By Ralph Jonathan · 6 years ago
The work of translators is so underrated yet it is one of the most important and painstaking works in the world. This is because knowledge is power and it is knowledge written down and preserved ...
Arsenal-Rwanda Deal Good for Local Language Translators
By Ralph Jonathan · 6 years ago
Rwanda is headlining in the global press for striking a mega partnership with popular English football club Arsenal, in which for three years, the words "Visit Rwanda" will feature on the left sleeves of Arsenal ...
Why It’s Important to Translate the National Anthem Into Local Languages
By Ralph Jonathan · 6 years ago
Patriotism has become a common theme in President Yoweri K. Museveni’s speeches during national celebrations such as Independence Day. He always talks about how we need to promote patriotism and become a people that put ...
Why the English Language Should Not Eclipse Uganda’s Local Languages
By Ralph Jonathan · 6 years ago
Has it ever occurred to you that the fact that we have different complexions and speak different languages is a testament to God’s love and appreciation of diversity? It is amazing that there are an ...
The 5 Hacks Will Help You Learn Any Language Online
By Mark Aa · 6 years ago
Whether you’re learning in a classroom or online, you want to make sure that it’s worth the time and money invested. These may seem like common sense, though through my decade of experience in engaging ...
Five qualities that annoy your friends, but will make you a great editor
By Amanda Wood · 7 years ago
The world doesn’t like having it’s grammar corrected. ("Its", you say? What’s the bloody difference, you got the message, right?) If you’re like most language geeks, you’ve been called a Grammar Nazi, banned from forums ...
Four Things You Need To Know About Translations
By Tim Peterson · 8 years ago
You might’ve encountered a lot of interesting articles about what translation truly is, and different translators treat it differently while they master the art of proper translation. However, translation has a few common things that ...
How to speak English fluently
By Yogesh Kumar · 8 years ago
"Champions keep playing until they get it right." Billie Jean King I come across many students who say, "I want to speak fluent English." You have learnt riding scooter, bike and driving car: you know ...
How to Memorize French Vocabulary
By Caroline Neak · 9 years ago
Learning a foreign language does not have to be difficult. The techniques you used when learning your native language as a child can be translated to learn a foreign language as a student; especially when ...
Italian courses for foreigners in Italy: some suggestions for beginners
By Ilaria Sabrini · 10 years ago
Learning a new language and facing communication problems is the very first thing that every expat normally does. Language is the most important tool to live, because it is basic to understand people, make new ...
The Linguistic Status of Mandarin in a Globalised World
By Charlene Lacandazo · 11 years ago
The impact of globalisation on major languages is massive; especially nowadays. Due to the emerging market of China, it is beyond doubt that the linguistic significance of Mandarin Chinese has been expanding during the last ...