
Captive Insurance -- Details
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
A captive insurance company (CIC) is an insurance company that insures the risks of operating business entities within the same “economic family”. 1. A CIC benefits its owner(s) generally through a combination of factors. 1.1 ...
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
High Interest Rates Increase Market-Linked Growth of Cash-Value Life Insurance High bond interest rates accompanying currently high inflation enable increased growth of cash value in indexed universal life insurance (IUL) policies. This can provide peace ...
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
For the moderately wealthy, giving up Control (and Access) is a barrier in deciding to make irrevocable trusts. Techniques for grantor access to trust assets make the decision easier. Irrevocable trusts famously provide many benefits ...
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
Tax-Deferred Savings of $200K to $500K Annually for Business Owners, with Minimal Employee Costs Using a defined-benefit cash balance plan, solo and small business owners, professionals and profitable entrepreneurs can readily save three to ten ...
Tax-Free Income Making More Sense in Global Financial Crisis
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
Will tax rates be going up? What happens to retirement income when taxes increase? Currently, income tax and capital gains tax rates are at historically low levels. The US government debt is now $31+ trillion, ...
Dynasty Trusts Guard Personal Autonomy in Hierarchic Society
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
A dynasty trust enables a degree of personal autonomy that is otherwise hard to achieve in a global economy characterized by punitive tax rates, job concentration in hierarchic corporations and public-sector agencies, and increasingly precarious ...
Captive Insurance Company, CIC -- Reduce Taxes and Build Wealth
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
Captive Insurance Company - Reduce Taxes and Build Wealth Summary: For a business owner paying taxes in the United States, a captive insurance company saves taxes, builds wealth and improves insurance protection. A captive insurance ...
What is an RESP?
By Reti Red · 1 year ago
What is an RESP account? An RESP stands for a Registered Education Savings Plan. This account is used to save for a child’s post secondary education. Government contributions are made through the Canada Education Savings ...
Private Placement Life Insurance, PPLI
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
Private placement life insurance (PPLI) is an underutilized, but potentially versatile and highly efficient investment vehicle. It is useful not only for wealthy families. An individual or family having a net worth of only $1 ...
Lifetime Income -- Build Your Own Pension
By Thomas Swenson · 1 year ago
Build Your Own “Pension Plan” with a Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity At the age of 65, an individual can expect to live about 25 years in retirement (a bit longer if married). Annuities generally provide at ...
Eliminate Taxes Forever using an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust
By Thomas Swenson, J.d. · 1 year ago
An irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) is simply an irrevocable trust that owns a life insurance policy. A dynasty trust, also known as a GST, legacy or perpetual trust, is a flexible irrevocable trust that ...
Tax-Free Income
By Thomas Swenson, Jd · 1 year ago
Tax-Free Income through Life Insurance. Really? Initially, it might not seem to make much sense, but modern cash-value life insurance can be designed to produce tax-free income in the form of loans from the life ...
The Truth About How YouTube Pays
By Matthew Dennis · 1 year ago
You probably know that there’s a lot of mystery surrounding how much money YouTubers actually make. There are so many different numbers out there, but it can be hard to figure out which ones are ...
The Complete Guide to Monetizing YouTube Shorts
By Kelvin Kingsley · 1 year ago
‍If you’re like most creators, your videos are the primary way that your audience interacts with your brand and engages with your content. That means, in order to continue producing new videos for your audience, ...
10 Ways To Become A Millionaire In Your Lifetime
By Nicholas Carr · 1 year ago
Don’t Live Above Your Means If you want to become a millionaire, don’t live above your means. Spending less than you earn is the first and most important step on the road to millionaire status. ...
How to Build Credit for your Child
By Joe Mahlow · 1 year ago
One of the most impactful (and underrated) things you can do to help your kids get ahead in life is to help them establish credit. Helping your child build credit gives them independence and knowledge ...
15 Secrets Elon Musk and Every Other Rich Person Knows
By Stephen Louis · 1 year ago
1. Spending Must Align With Goals One of the keys to being rich is having goals, said Michael Kay, president of Financial Life Focus and author of “The Feel Rich Project.” “(The rich) know what ...
Do’s And Don'ts : Buying Your First Income Property In Ontario
By Catherine Nacar · 1 year ago
Investing in real estate is like buying and running a business, especially if you want to turn it into a rental property in Ontario. With real estate prices dropping, you’ve entered the market at the ...
Real Estate Provides a Passive Income and a Great Way of Saving for Retirement
By Mike White · 2 years ago
Do you dream of an additional way to save for your retirement, possibly one that would give you more free time? It would also be nice to have a valuable asset, something worth something. One ...
How should a young person invest money?
By Palmer White · 2 years ago
As a new graduate, the first thing you should do is to lock down as much money as possible in savings. When I graduated and got my first job, I immediately bought my dream car ...