Quit Beating A Dead Horse With Online Marketing.

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Jaden Daniels
  • Published January 13, 2010
  • Word count 419

Quit Beating A Dead Horse

I am getting ready to have a cookout with my family. My dad, his girlfriend, my older brother and his wife are coming.

While I was marinating the steaks, I remember something my dad said about a year ago. He asked me how much money was I making online.

I proceeded to tell my dad that I was not making much, but it was getting better. Then he started his little sermon.

How much time do you spend doing that stuff online? Of course, I was putting in a lot of time trying to make more money. I was determined to have a successful home-based business.

I explained that I was still doing online business training. He just replied, "You put that much time in and you only have pennies to show for it. Seems to me you need to quit beating a dead horse."

I stood there in disbelief. How can this man tell me never give up when I was playing sports, but now he is telling me to give up on my career. So, I asked him, "You want me to just give up?"

He said, "You tried and you failed... it is time to give up." I said, "I have failed many times, but I will never give up. I am going to be a successful affiliate marketer just you wait and see."

That night my determination went through the roof. I was determined to show him that I was going to be successful working from home.

He is 65 now. He does more physical labor than most 30-year-old men. When I get his age I am going to be enjoying the time with my family and friends and working smart not hard.

He is from the old school and thinks you should go to college and get a good education and then go to work for the corporate world.

I did go to college. I have a degree in Electronics Engineering. My degree is good for one thing, and that is to collect dust in the frame.

I have to get back to the steaks, but I just wanted to say to everyone...my own dad tried to steal my dream. I did NOT let him. You can be a successful online | affiliate marketer, if you have the right mindset and determination. Always keep that in mind.

I am living proof. The country boy who went from physical labor to affiliate marketer. If I can do it, you can too.

Jaden Daniels Known As The Country Boy Goes From Physical Laborer To Affiliate Marketer.

Jaden Daniels is teacher and a student of online business training. If you want to be successful online marketer, Jaden and his team of professionals can teach you every technique of online marketing.

http://jadendaniels.biz | Business Website

http://jadendaniels.com | Blog Website



Skype: jadendaniels

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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