MLM Secrets with Jonathan Little

BusinessMarketing & Advertising

  • Author Jonathan Little
  • Published April 27, 2010
  • Word count 769

MLM Secrets with Jonathan Little


There has been a lot of discussion over the last few years about whether offline lead generation or online lead generation is more effective. To be perfectly honest, both approaches can help you grow your business, but generating MLM leads online is much more automated and leveraged. Here we are going to go over some basic ways you can generate MLM leads online and some necessary components you will need.

  1. Landing Page/ Website - This will be the first area your leads come to in your marketing funnel. DO NOT send your leads to your replicated MLM company website. Your competition is doing that and you will want to make yourself stand out by marketing your own website. A landing page is used to get the attention of your leads. We'll discuss this more later on.

  2. Automatic Follow-Up - The greatest thing about the Internet is that it is always open and running. This automatic follow-up process is designed for you to communicate with your leads and build a relationship with them. This can be accomplished using an auto-responder, which is a web service that stores and manages your leads and can send out emails to them at intervals of your choosing. (This is 100x easier than trying to talk to a bunch of people each day!)

  3. Marketing In Place - This is how you will drive traffic to your landing page and have these visitors opt-in to the page. There are many ways you can market on the internet and we will go over a few in this article including paid and free advertising.


Marketing is the skill, if I had to recommend one, that you get proficient at if you intend to become successful online. If you know how to market well, you can sell products easily and recruit new people onto your team effortlessly.

Paid Advertising: Paid marketing methods include banners, e-zine ads, buying leads and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. This is effective because you can get a lot of traffic to your landing page fast. If you learn one paid type of advertising, make sure it is PPC.

Free Advertising: Free advertising methods are all over the place, but they take a little bit longer to work. Some basic examples of free marketing and advertising approaches would be article and content submission, writing press releases, participating in forums, blogging, social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc) and video marketing.

You will have to make the determination of using paid or free marketing. After you decide you will have to target your market. Who exactly do you want your message to be seen by? If you want to generate MLM leads then you will absolutely want to target other network marketers and people who are interested in network marketing. These are going to be your most qualified leads.

Find out what the leads in your target market want and give it to them. Perform keyword research and discover what people are searching for. Google's free Keyword Tool is a great resource to find targeted keywords and phrases.

Your Landing Page

This page has only one purpose. To obtain the contact information of your lead such as their name, email address and a phone number (optional). But your leads are not just going to submit their information without something in return. You have to offer something free to your lead in return for their contact information. Some suggestions are a free eBook, video series or maybe an interview you performed. The point is the landing page will not work unless you have something of value to give away.

But What If You Don't Know How To Do Any Of This?

No problem. You might be totally brand new and this Internet marketing stuff sounds like a foreign language. My partners and I have a marketing system that allows anyone, regardless of experience, to plug in and get results.

Generating MLM Leads Online Doesn't Have To Be Hard

Internet marketing is super powerful and can grow your business very quickly, but you must know what you are doing. Do not be like most stubborn people and try and figure out all this stuff by yourself. I made this mistake a few years ago and it cost me a lot of time, effort, frustration and especially money. I made this mistake a few years ago and it cost me a lot of time, effort, frustration and especially money. Below you will see a resource that you can use to help you generate high quality MLM leads online. Enjoy!

Jonathan Little - MLM Master Mind Marketer

"You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." -Zig Ziglar

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