Pot Belly Causes - Knowing Them and Ways of Eliminating Them

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Napoleon Jackson
  • Published July 29, 2010
  • Word count 525

Pot bellies really do mess up peoples lives. That is why people who have pot bellies do whatever they could to eliminate it. Pot bellies frustrate peoples lives. The thing is, your pot belly did not just get into your body in one day. It is an accumulation of series of bad habits over a period of time. These bad habits which you might have imbibed are therefore the causes of the pot belly that has therefore manifested today.

Improper dieting is one of the causes of pot belly. Indulging in foods high on carbohydrate and fats will definitely cause pot belly. Foods like pasta, hamburger, potato chips, fried foods, frozen foods, rice, white bread and canned foods will definitely cause fats being stored in your body and in particular around your mid section. In the same vein the kind of drinks you indulge in can also cause pot belly. Taking lots of alcohol can also cause belly fat accumulation.

Inactivity and improper exercising could cause it. By being sedentary, you store up fats in your body and in particular around your mid section.

Improper posture could also be a cause. The way you stand could cause your belly to bulge.

Constipation could also cause it. When you refuse to empty your bowel regularly, your belly tends to bulge. Also, weak abdominal musculature could also cause pot belly. When the abdominal muscles are weak, fats tend to accumulate there.

Improper sleeping and stress could also be a cause. When you do not sleep well, fats tend to accumulate in your body and often times the storage are around the abdomen.

To eliminate your pot belly therefore, follow the tips in this piece and you will be glad you did.

For a start, devise a nutrition plan that is unique to you and not a copy of someone else. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates and fats. Reduce or completely do away with your intake of foods like pasta, white bread, canned and frozen foods, hamburger, cheese, butter, polished foods etc. You should therefore reduce your intake of carbohydrates to 0.5 x your body weight in grams per day and reduce your intake of fats to 0.2 x your body weight in grams per day. Increase your intake of protein. Increasing your intake of foods like eggs, beans, vegetables, nuts, wheat bread, unpolished rice etc will do you a world of good. Increase your intake of protein to 1.5 x your body weight in grams per day. Avoid taking salty foods.

Reduce or completely do away with your intake of alcohol. Drink a lot of water, at least 8 to 10 glasses a day to flush out the harmful toxins from your body. Drinking calcium based milk will also do you a world of good.

Be active always. Exercise regularly. Engage in simple exercises like crunches, outdoor jogging, brisk walking, press-up, aerobics, treadmill walking and pilates. Endeavor to walk straight when walking as improper posture could increase belly fat.

Sleep well and avoid stress. When you sleep well, your body tends to be at rest and therefore burn up fats easily. By being stressed up, your body tends to store up fats.

Napoleon Jackson is an expert writer on health & fitness and weight loss in particular. My blog http://potbellysolutions.blogspot.com/ gives more tips and information about the secrets of eliminating abdominal fat fast.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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