Reverse Cell Phone Lookup - Find the Name & Street Address of Anyone Calling Your Spouses Phone

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Tom Palmieri
  • Published August 5, 2010
  • Word count 428

I think my spouse might be cheating. Can I legally get the name and address of a person from a cell phone number?

Absolutely, and very easily too.

For starters, you could use any major search engine by simply typing in the phone number in your web browser, and you may get lucky. But more than likely you'll receive minimal information, if any at all.

Also, using this method to track down a cheating spouse could give you the wrong cell phone number information of a person that maybe your spouse is not cheating with, and who they might not even know.

The search browser method of of finding phone numbers and accompanying addresses can't produce accurate results because their cell phone numbers are guarded by the cellular carriers like Sprint, Verizon, Boost, T-mobile, AT&T, and more.

Cellular carriers are the telecommunication giants and they make their money through guarding their user information. They won't give it up without a fee.

But, there is still a way to get accurate cell phone numbers, street addresses and names from your spouses cell phone.

It's called a reverse phone directory.

What makes a Reverse Phone Directory Service an easier and more trusted way to see if your loved one is being faithful?

Using this service, the cellular carrier is compensated a minimal fee for the phone numbers, street address and names of their customers, and is paid for by the reverse phone look up service provider.

Because they are paying in bulk rates, their fees are minimal. This is the most accurate and least expensive way to obtain the information about who is calling your spouse or loved one.

How Do You Lookup A Cellular Phone Number On Your Spouses Phone, and How Do You Find A Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Service?

Simply go back to your web browser and type in "Reverse Cell Phone Look Up", when the page of the service provider pops up, just fill out the forms and enter the information on the cell phone number you are looking for.

There will be a small fee charged for this service by the cellular carrier, but remember they are being paid by the reverse cell phone service company at a much reduced rate, and they in turn will charge you a minimal fee, but it will be well worth the piece of mind you find if your spouse is not cheating.

To get the street address's, names and more information from your spouses cell phone, contact reverse phone look up here. Reverse Cell Phone Look Up

To get the street address's, names and more information from your spouses cell phone, contact reverse phone look up here. Reverse Cell Phone Look Up

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