Thank you notes after your private lender luncheons is common sense

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  • Author Alan Cowgill
  • Published August 31, 2010
  • Word count 1,732

I hesitated about writing this newsletter topic because on one hand it is so darn simplistic but then I thought back about how I fumbled this area after my 1st luncheon. Instead of JUST sending out thank you cards, I decided to hop on the phone and call everyone that had attended my private lender luncheon.

In the end, I felt like an ambulance chaser instead of a real estate investor.

In retrospect, I think I became a...

'Annoying Pest' instead of a 'Welcomed Guest'

So, I rethought my position and decided to give you a ton of information on this one topic.

Hope it helps...

Not only is it good manners to send THANK YOU notes, it is also a great way to stay in touch and keep the lines of communication open with your clients and prospects in a friendly, positive way!

While I'm sure you can put together something yourself on your handy dandy computer with clip art and a snazzy font, the only right way to do this is to use professionally made note cards.

And, the note should be handwritten.

The best situation is that you write the note yourself but if you are thinking, "Alan, my hand writing is not too great," have a staff member write the notes and you proofread and sign them. The next best situation is to use professionally made note cards and use your computer to print the message but by all means, sign the cards personally. It makes a difference.

One of the first activities after your lender luncheon is to send THANK YOU notes. Don't wait because it will lose the desired effect. I have grouped them in the following categories:

  • People who attended and want to loan money

  • People who attended and want more information

  • People who attended and do not want to loan money

  • People who couldn't attend but wanted information

mailed to them

  • No shows

  • People who refer other prospects to you

The first three categories, of course, go right along with the "Interest" Form. Below I have more information about each category and samples of THANK YOU notes. The most important part of this whole exercise is the fact that you write a friendly note and sign it yourself so they feel like you have made a personal contact with them. This is a business built on relationships and this is a nice, easy way to build relationships.

  • People who attended and want to loan money

Whether you have appointments already set up with these folks or have been in constant contact since the luncheon, you still want to send them a THANK YOU note for attending the luncheon. It goes beyond just saying "Thank you." It is a courteous acknowledgment of the new business relationship. It's true that not everyone cares whether or not you take this extra step that shows your attention to detail but frankly, if it makes a difference to a few, isn't it worth it?

It takes focus, work, and money on your part to get a lender to this point. Use this opportunity to show your appreciation and enthusiasm. A simple note from you to a new lender might be something like this:

Dear Martha and George,

Thank you for attending our luncheon

last Tuesday. It was great to meet you

and I'm delighted that you have chosen to

take advantage of our awesome program!


Simple. Just a THANK YOU and acknowledgment. Personalize your notes however you wish or use my example.

  • People who attended and want more information

This THANK YOU note is an opportunity to make another reassuring impression on these folks who are interested and need a bit more information before making their move. They will probably be pleased that you made contact so quickly and in a professional manner. You might want to make this a chance to reinforce the fact that you are an established local company. Your THANK YOU note to these folks might say:

Dear Lovie and Thurston,

Thank you for attending our luncheon

last Tuesday. It was great to meet you and

have a chance to present the program we have

here at Integrity Home Buyers. My staff will

be sending you more information about our

awesome 15% program.

I'm looking forward to talking with

you again soon.


Make sure you send them more information ASAP along with a request that they call to make an appointment with you so you can answer their questions personally. If you already have an appointment to meet with them, mention that in the note by saying "I'm looking forward to talking with you Tuesday, August 31 at 4:00 at your home." (Include the date, time, and location of the appointment.)

Adjust the note to fit the situation.

  • People who attended and do not want to loan money

At first you might not understand why you should send THANK YOU notes to this category. It's true that when some people say "no," they mean just that. But think about this. Some of them really want to loan money but they have to rearrange their financial situation to make that happen and it might take them a little time. They don't want to go out on a limb and make a commitment without funds readily available. That's fine.

Your job is to keep the lines of communication open and when they can loan money, they will let you know.

There can be lots of reasons for their hesitance. Maybe they know that at some point they will be getting a court settlement or inheritance but they don't know exactly when or for how much. They may need to find out if they can get a home equity loan. You've told them about the possibility of using their 401K money so they may want to see how much they have, if they don't check it regularly. They may have some other investment vehicle out there that they want to see about getting rid of so they can loan money to you. Perhaps they want to see if they can start saving more aggressively so they can meet your minimum loan requirement.

The truth is, you don't know why they said "no" and it could easily change to "yes" at a later time. You've started them thinking about a great new possibility and their situation may just take a little time.

Wherever their windfall is coming from, your THANK YOU note could be something like this:

Dear Bonnie and Clyde,

Thank you for attending our luncheon

last Tuesday. It was great meeting you.

I understand that you are not ready to

loan money at this time. Please feel free to

share information about our awesome

program with your friends and family who

might like to take advantage of this great

15% return opportunity.


We've left the door of communication open and we've just started them thinking about talking to others about the program. Word-of-mouth is a powerful advertising tool!

  • People who couldn't attend but wanted information mailed to them.

There will be people who cannot attend or don't want to attend the luncheon. Their reason doesn't matter. They showed interest by responding to your ad and requested information by mail (which I'm sure you sent to them immediately). You should thank them for that request. Here is a THANK YOU note example:

Dear Ozzie and Sharon,

Thank you for requesting information

about our awesome program where you

receive 15% interest on your money. You may

have some additional questions about how secure

your loan is and how you actually hold a mortgage

on a property right here in town while my

team and I do all the work.

I'm looking forward to talking with

you and making sure all your questions

are answered.


Use this THANK YOU note to emphasize the 15% return. This is probably the most important part for them so make sure it's in your note somewhere. Remember, they didn't attend the luncheon or see your presentation so they still might not understand.

  • No shows

You may find that even though some people call you to say they will attend and the day before the luncheon you call to remind them, they just don't show up. It happens. Why? It doesn't matter. The only important thing is that they've raised their hand and are interested in your program! Thank them for their interest and send them the same package that goes to folks who requested information by mail. Your note to them might be something like this:

Dear Mr. Hoffa,

Sorry we missed you at our

luncheon last Tuesday. We covered

tons of information and I know you

are excited about learning how you

can make 15% return with your

loan so we are sending you some


You may have additional questions about

how secure your loan is and how

you actually hold a mortgage on a

property right here in town while my

team and I do all the work.

I'd be happy to talk with you at

your convenience to answer all your



Again, the package you send them also has the request that they call your office to set an appointment.

  • People who refer other prospects to you

During the course of business, prospects, lenders, friends, and even people you don't know very well at all will talk about your program to someone who gets excited about it and calls you. Some of your lenders will understand your program and get so excited they will tell everyone about it! This is fantastic! You need to acknowledge them for thinking so much of you that they put their integrity on the line with you.

You need to thank them for that sincere compliment. An example of a nice THANK YOU note follows:

Dear Arnold,

I want to sincerely thank you

for letting Marie's family in on our

company's 15% loan money making opportunity.

I am so tickled that you thought

enough of us to tell them to call. I

have a meeting set up to talk with

the Senator in the near future!

Thank you again.


As always, on the back of each prospect's or lender's 3x5 card or file, make an entry with the date and how they were contacted:

9/23/04 Attended luncheon at the country club

9/25/04 Sent thank you note

E. Alan Cowgill is the owner of Colby Properties, LLC. and President of Integrity Home Buyers, Inc. Since 1995, Alan has bought and sold hundreds of single family and small multi-family investment properties. His home study system, 'Private Lending Made Easy', shows others how to find private lenders for their very own real estate business.

His website is

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