The importance of gratitude

Health & Fitness

  • Author Mark Harrison
  • Published October 21, 2010
  • Word count 693

Adopting an attitude of appreciation towards the good things in life makes an enormous difference to levels of happiness. People who make a conscious effort to adopt an ‘attitude of gratitude’ report a greater sense of peace and general well being.

According to a research project from the University of Miami, people who practice some form of conscious gratitude:

exercised more regularly, were healthier, slept better and felt more optimistic.

made more progress towards personal goals

were more alert, enthusiastic and could handle stress more effectively

Some people are naturally more optimistic and positive than others, but even the most pessimistic of souls can develop a more optimistic and happier mindset with some gentle and persistent practice.

Be careful when you make comparisons

It’s natural to compare ourselves with others, and many of us tend to compare ourselves with those who are better off. Of course, we all encounter problems and obstacles, but most of them are trivial compared what many people have to deal with. We all know that people experience serious illness, live constantly with pain or relentless hunger; there are people who never had an education, who can’t read or write, people who have been abused or who have no family. The list, of course, is almost endless.

Is the glass half empty or half full?

Of course, there are people who are more successful, wealthier, have a ‘better’ job, etc., and it is easy to be envious of them. But there are so many others who are worse off than ourselves, so why not focus on how fortunate we are? Feelings of envy are corrosive and can cause great damage to your happiness and self esteem, so choosing the right comparisons is important.

Be more conscious about the things we take for granted

Many of the things we should be thankful for get forgotten because we are so used to them, and it is only when we lose them that we remember how fortunate we were. I recently had a minor leg injury which made me realize how precious the ability to walk really is! Don’t wait until something’s gone before you are grateful – your sight, your health, your family – take some time to appreciate these wonderful things.

See the good in every situation

Situations are rarely ‘all good’ or ‘all bad.’ These are, to a large extent, labels we put on situations whereas, in reality, it is our response to the situations that determines what kind of experience it is. Even in the most apparently awful situation, we can derive some benefit if we have the right mindset. Growth and development usually involves some degree of pain, and so challenging situations are opportunities for such growth.

Keep a gratitude journal

This is something very concrete you can do to make gratitude a conscious and regular part of your day or week. Making a list of the good things in our life can be a wonderful experience. At the end of the day, why not take ten minutes to list a few of the good things that happened? You will end up with a record of things you are grateful for which it will be very helpful to read in times of stress or unhappiness.

Little things matter

Just as millions of snowflakes pile up to create a blanket of snow, the ‘thank you’s’ we say pile up and fall gently upon one another until, in our hearts and minds, we are adrift in gratitude. ~Daphne Rose Kingman

A dripping tap soon fills a bucket until it is overflowing. The same is true of anything in life, and developing appreciation is no different. Appreciating the many small things in your day will lead to greater and greater levels of gratitude and happiness. When someone smiles at you, when you receive a small complement, when the bus is on time, when a friend sends you a nice SMS message… these are all things to be thankful for.

As with all things, success requires persistence. A little bit of gratitude every day can, over time, make a big difference to our level of happiness and wellbeing.

Mark Harrison writes for a number of leading self-improvement sites. You can find him at his own site:

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