Some Great Benefits of Green and Wu Long Teas

Health & FitnessNutrition & Supplement

  • Author Wendy Polisi
  • Published October 7, 2010
  • Word count 405

Nearly all archeological data indicates that tea has been consumed for more than 5,000 years. While it was initially cultivated in India and China, tea has become popular all over the world. Tea is second only to water in its popularity. Both Green Tea and Wu Long Tea have received a great deal of attention in recent years. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of each of these varieties of tea.

Green Tea comes from unfermented tea leaves. It has the highest concentration of polyphenols of any type of tea. Polyphenols are anti-oxidants that can fight oxidative harm to your cells brought on by free radicals. We get free radicals from the normal functions of our bodies and also from the environment. Environmental causes include things like smoke, air pollution, radiation and other toxic compounds. Free radicals cause cellular harm in the body, which leads to disease and aging. Most cancers, heart disease and the physical signs of aging have all been connected to free radicals. By consuming food and drink that is rich in vitamin antioxidants, like green tea, you help your body combat off free radical injury.

Green tea has long been found in both Indian and Traditional Chinese medicine. Frequent uses include increasing mental performance, promoting digestion, regulating the blood sugar, as a diuretic and as an astringent. Green tea has recently received popularity for its ability to help melt away calories and prevent the assimilation of fat.

While green tea appears to be an effective fat burner, it would appear that wu long tea has it edged out in that department. Wu long tea is semi-fermented, meaning it is processed in between green tea and black tea. In one study, it was found that individuals who consumed wu long tea burned twice as many calories as those who consumed green tea. Wu long tea may be especially beneficial for those that have diabetes, thanks to its ability to minimize the way that carbohydrates can spike your blood sugar. Based on Diabetes Care, people who suffer from type two diabetes that consume Wu Long tea are capable of reducing their blood glucose levels.

Like green tea, wu long tea is loaded with free radical fighting anti-oxidants. It seems that wu long tea may be particularly effective for individuals with skin problems. One study showed that after drinking wu long tea for one month, skin problems began to clear up.

Of course, there are many modern organic products which can help improve your overall health. Please visit us at to learn about them or about how green and wu long tea can help you.

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