Email List Building Is Easy When You Create Awesome Content

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  • Author Mike S. Brooks
  • Published November 4, 2010
  • Word count 359

When it comes to internet marketing and especially email list building you better be ready to create content. Especially if you want to drive free traffic to your offers, you will need to create a massive amount of great content.

Think like Apple. These guys are always at it trying to create something new. But more than that, they want to create something revolutionary. They want to create something never before seen that will change the world. And they are quite good at doing just that.

My wife just bought me their brand new little I-Pod. It came in a case that was smaller than the box her engagement ring came in. It is a bit bigger than a vitamin, but I am pretty sure if I had to I could swallow the thing.

It is an amazing piece of technology. It just boggles my mind how something so user friendly and powerful could be so tiny. All I can think of now is what will Apple do next?

So when we create content for our audience, think like Apple. Think how you can change the world and then share it. Except, unlike Apple, we need to release a lot more stuff at a much faster rate. Like every day. Good thing our focus is on writing and making videos and not Nano-technology.

Internet marketing is the best job anyone could have in my humble opinion. You get to work from home, you set your own hours, you can work anywhere in the world you want and its fun.

But the problem is that many of those folks are creating content that plain stinks. I read articles all the time that are nothing more than link bait. They are just stuffed with keywords but the content makes no sense. My dog could write better articles than some of the folks out there.

This may work to drive traffic to an offer, but if you are in the business of email list building, you had better not write like that.

Don't be my dog. Be like the folks at Apple. Try to change the world. You may just do it!

Mike Brooks is a full time internet marketer who loves helping others succeed. You can get his free Internet Marketing Blueprint at his website The report will show you how to build an online business from the ground up in less then a week, for little to no expense.

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